Would the economy be affected in ANY way if celebrities/athletes weren't...


Mar 16, 2008
...paid like kings? I was wondering if making celebrities and athletes pay huge amounts of money to the goverment if it would give the economy a little boost, if celebrities were left with enough money to ONLY live in a very average house, or apartment/condo LIKE THE REST OF US, and not mansions, would it make a difference? because celebrities spend money on some of the most ridiculous things that are very unnecessarry while other, hard working people are being left out to live in their cars
I honestly don't think celebrities or athletes deserve SO MUCH money and what not, I mean, the status and fame on TV should be enough right? not like they're doing anything to contribute to society in my opinion, only entertaining us, but maybe that's just me
anyway, would them being stripped of their money alter anything?
or do we NEED to have RICH celebrities?
I agree with you. Although, it's not about the amount these celebrities have on their paychecks that increases the recession in this economy, it's the little amount of taxes these people have to pay, and what they do with their money. See, no matter how much these people make, our country USA would still be the richest, meaning the economy is only affecting the poor and some of the middle class. Therefore, if they paid more EXPENSIVE taxes to the poorer people instead of just taxes based on the crap they own, they can better neighborhoods, schools, homes, and actually give the poor a financial boost. As a result, they could save people from this recession. I've noticed you said you don't think the celebrities don't deserve so much money. However, in my opinion, I believe it's fine. See, celebrities get paid large amounts of money from the privately owned businesses they work for. Intertwining, I believe people have the freedom to make any deal they please. See, if I wanted to give a friend of mine $1,000 just for cutting my grass, so be it, you get me? Therefore, it shall be no different for a big business. I'm all for private property. I do however, I believe it should be maintained tax-wise by the government to keep the recession from happening. Like, when large amounts of money are made, they should pay a large amount of taxes aimed at those issues for a good cause. Therefore, the rich can still have their money, the poor would get a boost and the ability to help themselves, and their would be 'peace' with the middle-class finally.

To Ed the freshman: Your answer is partially correct because you're right; the only reason that, for example, films studios make so much money is because people love their movies. However, you also have to consider because those industries make so much money, they can pay a lot to have actors act for them. Therefore, they make tons of money even before their movie becomes a hit. Also, another example can be the NBA. See, if the NBA in the past didn't have any fans, it wouldn't exist now because people wouldn't pay, and it would go bankrupt. Thus, you're right about that. However, because that didn't happen and they are now VERY rich, they can offer players like $10,000,000 even before they step on the court. Therefore, it's not always about paying money to support them, it's about private deals that offer a lot of money regardless of what we pay in the contemporary times.
No, because remember celebs are paid big cause their movies have a great performance while out. So you stop watching movies, Studios don't make as much $$, and celebs don't get paid as much. Athletes are paid plenty cause that is their job, and if their good ppl adore them. So who wouldn't want someone who they know will take them to the playoffs on their team? That's why athletes are paid big bucks, if they're good ppl want them, and are willing to pay big. But honestly you can't score touchdowns, or make slam dunks for long. Considering they age eventually, which means no more making 2,3, or 4 million a year.