Would you be a vampire?


New member
Feb 27, 2008
1- if given the chance would you take a bite to be a vamp?
2- and if your a dude, is it weird to get bit by a dude vampire?

me no to #1 and yes to #2
1. Nope, like the sun too much and don't want to be a parasite.
2. Nope, unless he was trying to bite me in my special place!

maybe I should change my identity! erm....
#1. I would love to be a vampire.

I don't necessarily want to be immortal and fly (I do taiji quan for that!! lol )

Its the sensuality of the yielding of the flesh and the intimacy of it that I find appealing, which goes well with bondage imo!

Just think of it as the ultimate love bite!

#2. Genetically speaking, we are all bi-sexual, so why not.
Just a thought - do vampires suffer from Aids? When they bite into someone and drink their blood they must be at risk? Or do they have special powers? lol
Hell no to both. I dont want to be some pale gothic muppet. Aint gonna get no chicks dressed all in black, pale as a ghost and looking miserable all the time. I enjoy being tanned cheers.
You wouldnt get any decent ones looking like that. Chicks like a funny confident guy, not someone that talks about his suicide all the time. I HATE GOTHS!
Stereotype Alert!!

erm..... any goths I know, which is a lot, have never talked about suicide. They generally seem pretty grounded and as up for a laugh as the next bloke.

And some of the girls and their outfits? wow!

You stick to yours I'll stick to mine.
Well said vampyre rat! I do find peoples ideas quite amusing is it so impossible to be funny and amusing in black clothing? Does that mean that all surfers are like california hippys? Or every one in london wears bowler hats and pinstripes? Suppose all us martial artists will have to shave our heads and go live in the shaolin temple.
Go girl Go !!!!,

who's feeling peckish today lol.

I wonder who's going to be on the receiving end of the first bite from you, do we need to take bets.
lisa xxx
Would I like to be bitten by a vampire Hmmmm, depends where he/she is biting at the time lol.

I would love to try something like it I suppose as I'm fairly open minded about most things which seem pretty weird to others. I'll even have a go so I think yes I'd love the challenge of doing something different and have the chance to feel a little wicked for a change, I'm really a nun by trade, I can't wait to see the reply to this one lol
lisa xx
Yup and no

Being a vampire would be excellent And no, it wouldn't be weird getting bit by a male vampire
I have had a serious vampire passion since I first saw Interview with a Vampire at the cinema. I now longingly wait for the next Ann Rice book! I have them all I have collected many others too...

I would love the speed, the drinking of blood, the fact that I wouldn't need to be frightened of the night - the whole shabang. Muhhahahahahahaha
I'd def take the bite. I have a big thing for vampires!!

you don't have to be a goth to like vampires or anything else. I'm not a goth but I love vampires!!

I find vampire v. sexy actually
I'm as suspicious of goths as the next guy but my mates little sister is a goth and some of her friends are fiiiiiiiiiine.

(They are all over 18 before anyone says anything).
"Sleep all day....
Party all night....
It's fun to be a vampire......"

Hell yes!