Would you be surprised to hear that as an atheist I think there COULD be a God?

Sep 14, 2010
This God could be invisible, inaudible, odorless, ineffable, tasteless & undetectable in ANY way.

- I don't BELIEVE this God exists, but it COULD exist! Just don't ask me how!

Now please explain how you CAN believe in such a God (& if it IS detectable HOW do I detect it too without relying on blind faith because faith IS blind if it cannot be justified by some method of detection).

I think ALL Gods COULD be real but I can't BELIEVE in any I cannot detect.

P.S. Feel free to infer the God of your choice if you want to go down the 'inference' route in the absence of evidence but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE -NO assumptions! Theists always assume God must exist but never give a good reason to justify their assumptions. It's usually something like: 'Because you exist' - which in no way justifies their proclamation.

P.P.S. I neither want God to exist or NOT to exist - I just want to discover 'the truth' regardless of what it is, so don't tell me I have to 'open my heart' to God etc. as this implies I should desire a God. Why should I desire a God any more than NOT desire a God? I simply desire the TRUTH whatever it happens to be.

P.P.P.S Saying 'God IS truth' is an ATROCIOUS argument unless you can say WHY it's true.

P.P.P.P.S. Before you tell me I am actually an 'agnostic' rather than an 'atheist' may I remind you that agnosticism refers to what you KNOW & atheism refers to what you BELIEVE. I don't KNOW there are no gods -I simply see no GOOD reason to BELIEVE there are any.