Would you believe Jesus is real if I can prove the Anti christ is real?


New member
Dec 7, 2010
There will be a Mormon president who will lead the US to 7 years of prosperity and then start a war with Israel. Many will convert to Mormon because he will show them signs. All this in less than 20 years. Remember this 10 years from now!
Hi, you left an answer On my question and I added additional details to it if you would like to read!
Can you define for me what an "Anti christ" is without assuming the divinity of any 2000 year old cult leaders? If not, then I cannot see how you could possibly show that Jesus is real without it being a circular argument.
Jesus is real and the Anti-Christ though we do not know who he is waiting to come on the scene, and he is very real, and he is not a Mormon, he is not even from America, Canada, China etc. He will come from the Middle East. If Jesus is not your savior then you will be left here to find out who he is. I am not hanging around for that.
A prophecy is something that is told by a prophet and comes true. If it does not come true then it came from a false prophet.
All that the true prophet of old have come true or is talking place even now. They told in the Old Testament that Jerusalem would fall and it fell. They said that in the last days Israel would become a nation again, and in May of 1948 she became a nation again. They said that Israel would bloom in the dessert, and in 1967 she started blooming in the dessert.
Isaiah the prophet foretold of the birth and death of Jesus and it came to pass 100's of years later. David even spoke of Jesus and how He would die. There are many prophecy that have been given and they have come true like I said.
Now if you want to mock something you can mock what you just posted. A true prophet follows after the living God and I have a feeling that He has no place in your life.
Would you believe that dragons were real if I showed you a unicorn?

In short, no, I wouldn't.