Would you tell any future employers you have a mental disorder?


Jun 1, 2008
My friend was diagnosed with bipolar 5 years ago. Her family swept this under the carpet and sometimes I feel like she come to a point where I think she's gone back to those ways again. She cannot hold a job and times are hard she walks aways. She left her old job and not working now. She from an ethnic minority group and was severely bulled both at work and school. I'm not sure how to help her , please help with some advice
She doesn't have to, but I would because they need to know what to do if she had a relapse. Bipolar you could be placed on disability on it. Trust me I know. I have bipolar. It's really hard to keep a job and everything. I understand where she is coming from.
My friend is bipolar and he goes up and down at any given moment. Its not something you can help her with, she needs meds and a therapist.
The ethnic minority group doesn't have anything to do with her not be able to get a job. And I don't personally think "minorities" are real, just something someone made up to get money from the government.

Anyway, tell her to keep in mind that she does not have to tell employers about her disorder, unless she's taking medication for it. And then the only reason to tell would be because the employer has to know that you're carrying drugs legally just in case something happened. Bipolar disorder is not a disability like a back injury. It doesn't effect your ability to work. If it did, it would qualify for disability funding from the government. If symptoms are starting to come up, she needs to take medication for it or therapy to control it. She needs to make an effort on her part before employers will be willing to make an effort to employ her.