would you


New member
May 18, 2008
rather be straight and get no girls/be a virgin your entire life


be gay and be wanted by the whole gay community
wow tough choice. uhh, obviously the second? If I was gay, I'd be a hot gay guy. It's the same as being straight and being hot. I don't understand the difference, unless you're ignorant enough to not want to be gay. I wouldn't care.
I would honestly rather jerk it as my only source of pleasure for my whole life than fuck another guy.
so you're not gay? that's not the question. If you were gay, wouldn't you rather be a hot gay person then an ass ugly one?
demonic yes, but u get caught and go to prison for many years, where u take it up the ass. btw. cubbies gunna take down your phillies this weekend

68JAOB ....no...go pack go indeed
straight and be a virgin. I'm abstaining until marriage anyways, and I feel the emotional connection is more important than the sexual one. I would however like someone who is attractive
I think you're self concious and are thinking about becoming gay because you can't get any pussy.
If you were gay, you'd like men.

So therefor, being a gay guy wanted by the entire gay community would be like being a straight guy wanted by the entire female community.

I'd rather be straight though, gays creep me out and have AIDS.