Wrap it up boys

I mean it in the way that people commonly mislabel people as "African-American" when they are in fact not from Africa.
no you do, stop being a ignorant son of a bitch. You know how many blacks in this world? I can tell you right now you dont know them all so you can't just generalize them saying they all do something.

btw you are a fucking racist.
edit: aimed at Raylo
i am no fucking racist.

you fucking reverse racist. i say something that is generally true, and you go ape shit.

naacp was founded by whites....
i know what you are saying, and im saying just calling them black is not right cuz they are not black.
I'd have to say the same goes for white people. That majority of white people are more pink than white.
Squirrel Master;45363296']don't call me white then.... call me "pinkish brown/tan yet sometimes pale"
i guess i am racist to an extent....

i have never heard any non black guy call a black guy a nigger and actually mean it. yet i hear racial slurs being thrown around by blacks all the time. black history month only adds to that shit. who needs equality when you could celebrate a particular ethnicity?
seriously i have had sex with white girls which involved seeing there tits and i can say some are fucking white lined paper. Same goes for the vagina.

would you wana be called white or pink?
Okay, you call us whites, and you suggest that black people shouldn't be called black. I'm beginning to see a fault in your logic.