X-Men Round Up


Mar 28, 2008
So when you go to the gym, you trigger muscle growth by straining your muscles beyond their respective comfort zones, causing minute tears that heal bigger and stronger. If healing injuries cause muscle hypertrophy, and Wolverine can heal damage almost instantly, wouldn't he grow constantly bigger and stronger during every fight? Whenever he contracted a muscle sharply enough to cause internal damage (like in the course of a punch or kick against resistance) wouldn't it immediately heal to make that limb even stronger for the next strike?
Sorry guys, I've been writing a paper and I'm really tired.

This thread welcomes other stupid questions, especially if they involve over-thinking cartoon plot holes.
Fine then, here's one. How large is cyclop's food bill? Considering how much energy his eyes can put out he must eat a helluvalota food to get that much energy.
He stores Solar energy, if memory serves, so no need to eat vast amounts

Ok so how frustrated would you be if you were involved with Rogue??? (not film version) I mean look at her but you can't touch
In the case of Wolverine, wouldn't he go weak If his abilities repaired his muscles stopping the usual tears in the muscle fibres making them grow back bigger

And Cyclops! well, he should have spent all his journeys eating pie!
Uber-Geek mode -

Wolverine's healing ability is more like an immortality thing. His body will grow back to what it originally was before, otherwise he would still have scars.
So the minute tears that you talk about will not heal...more like reverse back into its original position. Thats why he doesnt age, hes got clean lungs, he doesnt have scars on his knuckles where the claws pop out and no tattoos.

His hair and nails are more along the lines of what you're theory is. His hair always grows back to its original style after his face gets burned or blown up, yet he still shaves.

Spooky FBI is correct with the Cyclops thing. The person who has a massive food bill is in DC not Marvel.....The Flash.

He uses up so much energy that he more or less constantly eats and has 300 sleep cycles a day. With that in mind InsomniacTV, I think it should Flash that is growing bigger and bigger, especially have huge legs, as the body is a SUPER FAST healer.
Even-uberer-geek-moment: I think the marvel encyclopedia explanation of cyclops' powers is that the solar energy he absorbs allows his eyes to act as gateways to another dimension consisting of infinite amounts of red kinetic energy. When he opens his eyes, this energy escapes that dimension into ours. Therefore, he can produce enormous amounts of eye-beam-energy but only use up the amounts of his body's energy it takes to hold the "gateways" open.
One time while the Hulk had Bruce Banner's mind he got home from romping across the desert, changed back to his human form and he was all like "god I'm really hungry".

That's the only reference I've seen to the huge amounts of energy superheroes must use.

On a related topic, how sick am I of seeing Batman referred to as a "superhero". He's not. He doesn't have super powers. If anything, he's a "hero". Which frankly is more impressive.

I mean, how much respect can we give Thor for defeating someone? Hello! You're the God of Thunder. Of course you won the battle. Talk about a mismatch.
Although Batman doesnt have any super powers, he is still a super hero.
And some people might say that his ingenuity, wealth and intelligence were a super power, just a little more attainable than most
Some might say that. They're wrong. And the 'superpower' part of being a superhero is what makes a superhero 'super'. He doesn't have super powers, he's not a superhero.
Check out Avengers Annual 10. Rogue whipped his butt, and all it took was a kiss.
Bats is about as far as a human can go without going all Steve Rogers!!

Here's one for you forget the "Super" is he a "Hero"?????
With the way they draw those female characters I can understand.

Reference to Batman as a Super-Hero. He's a vigilante. He's also borderline bad guy, kind of like the Ultimate version of Wolverine where he is going around killing people, although he recently agreed to Prof. X that he'll just main and hospitalise.
Batman will never kill, but he'll happily cripple you. (well he almost killed Joker by strangulation, same with Alberto Falcone but was talked out of it by Jim Gordon both times.)

Maybe he is a Hero because of the things he does, but a Super-Hero because of the way he's worshipped.....or because he too has his underwear outside of his pants, like Superman.
The first and the last, I think: he catches criminals while wearing a costume. You need both. Police catch criminals every day, but do they wear costumes? Nooooo. That's why they're not "superheros."

Gateway to another dimesion? Whoa -- that's freaky. And I missed that episode.
Actually, Batman has an almost Wolverine like ability to heal himself. He gets broken ribs, bruises, and deep gashes in his flesh, but a few bandages from Alfred and he's ready to go the next day.
The gadgets are just technology. They don't make him super.

Maybe his rubber suit is what protects him?
The suit is protective as it can be without being in the way. He is constantly getting stitched up by Alfred (aren't we all?) and he goes out again, but he is still hurting. He just blocks the pain.

One good example is in HUSH. Where Catwoman sees all of Batman's scars on his back alone and freaks out and in the first volume suffers a fractured skull and several broken bones from falling into the street when his Bat-line was severed.
C'mon he is only one godly being. He relies alot on his hammer. Besides, Loki is always there to mess things up for him so it's hardly fair.

You've got to feel for Gambit (look at my avatar) every time he asks Rogue just for one eensy weensy kiss.. Being the lady killer that he is... Wouldn't he have some "rendevous" with other x-characters? Or is the allure of the forbidden "I can't touch you" fruit too much?

On a different note. How annoyed would you be if you were Shadowcat (aka Kitty Pride). Every time you get scared you "dematerialise" and fall down a couple of stories of building or fall through your bed if you had a nightmare.