xbox 360 or playstation 3???

Playstation 3 because they have much better graphics and online is amazing (you dont have to pay you do on the 360) for online. And the games you can get are brilliant as well
i find 360 wayyyy better gaming :) soo 360 allthe ways brah
i recommend the xbox 360, because it has really good graphics. and halo 3, I love that game!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guitar hero and rock band look better on the xbox 360. and its way cheaper and is a better deal. i have a PS3 and a xbox 360, and I think that the 360 is better on everything.
You know, i would've said 360, but now i gotta say ps3 b/c looks like the Blu Ray won out..So i guess if you wana be the smartest and get the most for your money i'd go with a ps3
PS3It has blue-ray which is expensive and that could be worth itOnline play is freeOnly good games on 360 are halo and gears of war.
Ant: "Playstation 3 because they have much better graphics"Me: Your assumption is wrong.As for paying for playing the Xbox 360 online... what's £35 for 12 months? I'll tell you what, a bargain. By the way, taking sales figures into consideration, you have >potentially< 8 million extra people to play with...I think you get my drift, buy the Xbox 360, as another thing is the fact that you've got a much wider choice of games to choose from.