y didnt the docs tell me?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
the docs said i was type 2 diabetic. but they didnt tell me to fast at least 8-12hrs b4 i took a blood and urine test. i ate both times 2-3hrs b4 i took the test and ate food that would higher my sugar count. ive lost 20pds by exercise and eating right stopped drinking all the things my former doc advised me to do and now im diabetic. ppl make mistakes i understand that but y would a doc over look this. my dad was diagnosed the same way he went for a second opinion and came out good. is my doc jus bs ing me for money,should i get a second opinion. they said i drink alot of water and urinate alot is a sign, but i live in chicago its been hot as hell i like to b ouside and i am not a big fan of aircon. sure im gonna drink alot of fluids and pee bcause i drink alot. it doesnt mean im diabetic. but isnt it important to tell me to fast bcause it can affect my results.