Yesterday I was raped by a guy that I agreed to meet over the internet.?


New member
Oct 24, 2011
I met the guy at the bus stop. He then took me to a dark alley, it was getting late and dark. He told me how nice I looked in the moonlight, I sensed what he was up to and ran away. I ran and ran. Eventually he caught up with me and wrestled me back to the alley. He then raped me. When he finished with me, he threw me to the ground and walked off. For minutes I was paralyzed. I have not told a soul yet, not even my parents. What should I do?
yes if this is real tell your parents right now and call the cops before he does it again
Call the police & give them his username & everything you have on him. Theyll be able to trace his IP address (his computers secret address) & be able to track him down. Hes a sick person with no respect for women, the way he just used you like that. Hes sick, send him where he belongs: JAIL.
I hope u didn't shower yet. Call the cops right away, and be ashamed or scare to talk. This guy could be raping other women.
First of all, that is not a nice thing to joke about, so if this is trolling i suggest you delete this before more people comment because by the sounds of things, you lying.
and if thats the case then you are very sick.

If that is not the case then i'd advise you to go straight to the police so they can get evidence and stuff to catch the rapist before its too late and he gets away.
You have to tell someone. I know that it's hard but they are only going to want to help you. You will feel so much better after getting this off of your chest. If you know the mans name and have a picture of him you really should report him to the police. He could be doing this to other girls too.
If this is real.... Call the cops. You should have already. DNA and your online messages could have tied him to it but if you have internal abrasions still then that could be used as proof as well. DONT WAIT