You find a wallet on the ground...


New member
Apr 17, 2008
It contains $2 in cash and a gift card to your favorite store (unknown amount). The driver's license is clearly displayed, and the owner lives fairly close to you. Do you keep it, or return it?

(Stolen from the Wallet Test thread)
Return the wallet but depending on what the gift card is for and how much is on it then you might want to snag the gift card but return the rest of the stuff in the wallet.
Take half, then leave it on their doorstep. If it's someone I hate, then I keep all of it, throw what I don't want out and leave it on their doorstep.
Return it, I don't need to stoop to that level because I am not poor.
take everything except the drivers licesnse and leave that somewhere that person walks or goes to alot
$2? Are you serious? Who wouldn't return that?

The question is would you return it if it had $100 in it. I'd return it no matter what was inside.
Take half?? Thats 1 dollar.

Get caught, risk jailtime for 2 bux and a gift card, no thanx.