Your Gender?

(emphasis added)

Please be kind, everyone makes mistakes... by the way, you spelled "heterosexual" wrong too.
Well then, it was all worth it then! I missed her giggles too.

Although you should be thankful for this poll JangBong - now when you are recovering you can wonder about worm reproduction, mitosis, how to spell heterosexual properly and other polls that might make Tika laugh! That is at least two weeks worth of stuff to keep you busy!!
I usually don't like the online dictionary posts but I think it might be useful in this case!

1. The condition of being female or male; sex.
2. Sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture.

1. Having no evident sex or sex organs; sexless.
2. Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding.
3. Lacking interest in or desire for sex.

Shockingly it would seem Master J wasn't as far off target as everyone thought.
Thanks CKava! Gender does mean sexual prefernce, but can also mean your sex.

Now, who called me kiddo............?
Oh yea,

I was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm... that is just the wierdest definition Ive ever heard. Ive never heard gender used that way. Now asexual, yes Ive heard it used for disinterest. My apologies Master J... *bows* However, I think that second definition is being misread.

....". Sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture."

Usage Note: Traditionally, gender has been used primarily to refer to the graofftopictical categories of “masculine,” “feminine,” and “neuter,” but in recent years the word has become well established in its use to refer to sex-based categories, as in phrases such as gender gap and the politics of gender. This usage is supported by the practice of many anthropologists, who reserve sex for reference to biological categories, while using gender to refer to social or cultural categories. According to this rule, one would say The effectiveness of the medication appears to depend on the sex (not gender) of the patient, but In peasant societies, gender (not sex) roles are likely to be more clearly defined. This distinction is useful in principle, but it is by no means widely observed, and considerable variation in usage occurs at all levels.

This comes after that definition... From reading this, it still doesnt seem to me that sexual preference fits into that definition of gender
Your are forgiven for your lack of intelligence, my fellow martial artist.

Raise, and go and train!

Wot?!!!!!1 Questioning my all knowing knowledge, again?!!
Lets try one last time. Your sexual identity is not necessarily your sexual preference. You may identify yourself as male, female, asexual or hermaphroditic, but that does not necessarily reflect on your choice of partner. Most homosexual relationships consist of one person who would consider themself male, and the other who would consider themselves female. Heterosexual relationships can actually have gender images reversed, without having any effect on sexual preference.
Your right it is a weird definition and like most people I would agree that sexual preference would have been a better choice of words. My point was that people are jumping all over Master J yet it seems he isn't as far of the mark as people think- me included! I actually checked the online dictionary thing just so I could highlight the fact that gender does not mean sexual prefence but as it turns out you could make a pretty good argument that it is.

And Tika that usage note is a description of how the word is commonly used, its not an in depth list of all the ways you can possibly use the word gender so it still doesn't mean that Master J was necessarily wrong, just that he doesn't follow the common usages. So Master J is a linguistic rebel!

(Sorry for being so pedantic, please don't tackle... )
I love it

CKava: ok .. but if the kid gloats that he's right and im wrong after I nicely apologized before Im gonna tackle the heck out of him
My wife called me a "karate fag" a while back. She told me that I would rather train than ****!