Your plans for summer

go to the pool. get with girls. get drunk. go to san fransico for film school.

except for the last part, thats seriously all you need to do over summer
Isn't it a little early to be talking about summer? But anyways I'll be working a lot.
Ill be working my ass off from now till aug 1 saveing as much cash as possible, taking a summer class in june and july then aug 1 im boarding a plane to germany and not coming back till school starts... My best friend from school lives in germany and has a house in south of france. He pretty much told me buy the ticket (frequent flyer miles) and everything elce will be taken care of. Obviously im gonna bring money with me to pay for food, alcohol, weed but i get a free place to party and sleep for a month. Im pretty pumped.
fun stuff, hang with the gf, work, skate....would say weed but im quittin, and been clean for 3 monthes
In the beginning I'm going to California to see my brother. And then later on I'm going to France :nododgy:

edit: Hope cali doesn't break off before I get there!
;46597162']-Going camping up in the panhandle of Oklahoma to do some caving.
-Right after getting back from camping i'm going to Arkansas to be a summer camp counselor all summer long, until two weeks before class starts. While i'm there I spend most my time on the lake wakeboarding and skiing, do a little canoeing and kayaking, and teach rock climbing, rapelling, and working on the high ropes course. It's a blast.
-First week back; hiking and camping trip in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I'm getting four credit hours for it too.
-Last week before school starts; possibly deep sea fishing off of Port Aransas, Texas. If not, finally sleeping in a real bed for the first time of the summer.