youtube shutdown??!!


New member
Feb 17, 2008
im sure many of you have heard that there trying to shutdown youtube now. the big claim is that many people violate copy right laws.

why in almost everything in life when sum1 or sumthing is doing very well at what they do, there always has to be sum1 hating( excuse my slang)

im meen there a vast numbers of positve aspects of youtube. there are people who have avoided life threating diseases because they saw videos on youtube of symptoms.

there are also people who have become famous because of it, but i guess that why people are jeolous.

i meen they could just inforce a policy of video examination where they would first see if the person submiting the vid is breaking any laws like other sites do. there is no reason to have to completly shut youtube down.
you know, this would all be solved so much easily if there was a previous review of content to judge if it's there is on half the "upload stuff" sites/site sections out there already.......
(Mod note: Moved from Misc H&F > Off Topic)

Ronin, I've not heard of this. Do you have more detailed info? Links?
(for the purposes of this thread i'll assume this rumour is true)
oh no! youtube banned! that'll stop people sharing copywrited material, just like shutting down napster stopped filesharing...
A couple of days I ago I would have agreed with you, but then I found a hard core gay s and m site that let you download free previews of the dvds
I thought it was very tastefuly done, nice clean hotel room, all the actors were waxed and extreamly well washed.

very clean bunch of guys

Although I haven't looked to see if they have any of those 'dirty' s and m vids, not my kind of thing