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  1. D

    Elizabeth Reinhilde Clark 1941 - 2007 RIP

    Sorry Medi... Hope you and your family are doing ok.
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    Dingo VS German Shepard

    literally! /bad joke
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    Yes, its a caption thread. caption one of these pics. it fails, i know.

    Are they really gay? If so Gimme digits I wanna pipe the guy in red :maybedodgy:
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    So, who wants to ban me first? State reason in a fun way and no getting out of hand with the ban icon.
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    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    hahahaha rofl
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    Thailand/Exotic Countries & Spiders

    Thailand/Exotic Countries & Spiders I've been trying to find the picture he sent us over MSN, but that was on my old laptop... I'll hunt through my email in case I have it there. As far as I could tell it was just a regular spider but just a wee bit larger than normal. This was several years...
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    Android keeps deleting new files I add to my SD card. Card problem or phone problem?

    Almost every time I mount my Android phone (Samsung Moment) and add files to it, the files are deleted afterward. I can still see them on the card, but they are all 0 bytes and completely unusable. Does this sound like a problem with my phone or with my SD card?
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    Warriors of the Clouds

    Thing about archeology, what we don't know today we could know tommorow. The flip side of that is what we think we know now could turn out to be wrong tommorow. If you live by the sword of archeology be prepared to die by it.
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    Royal Mail Appreciation Thread

    Bloody hell, I was lucky! It was my birthday t'other week and I must have got آ$90 through the post. Luckily all my cards were sealed anyway.
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    most embarrasing thing that have ever happened to you in class

    In 8th grade I pissed my pants, but I told the teacher it was juice. I thought she believed me, but now that I look back I notice how much of a dumbass I was.
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    Old Usernames

    SilatPupil -> Sgt_Major Now thats an old change right there
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    Stop wasting your time on martial arts

    Why is that redirecting towards MY apache server ?
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    The Death Penalty

    For me personally, yes. But I don't understand how you can believe that killing is ok (under circumstances which you are unable to define for some reason) yet also believe that the specific justification of killing employed by proponents of the death penalty is somehow equivalent to the thought...
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    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    granted yet you leave the MAP boards completly, doomed to live a life of internet solitude i wish i could say 'speed boat' like sean connery
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    i have att and got the texting package. It says IM is included but i am

    I used to work for them... if only I could remember. I'm almost positive that IMs need a data plan, but it may have changed. If it said that on the documentation, you may want to call the company and ask a representative. Trusting someone here may end up in a huge bill if the answerer is wrong.
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    What's up with T-Mobile's Cancellation Plan!!!!???

    All the phone companies do that to be honest. If you modify your account in any way (such as adding the Fave5) it'll resign your contract without even telling you. Back before I worked in cell phones, I fell for the same trick with Sprint. I called them to add more texts per month to my plan and...
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    how to reject sales people?

    I just smile politely and continue walking. If you say anything, they'll try to manipulate your answer in an attempt to get a conversation started. If you stop it before it starts, you won't be required to be rude.
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    Do you think Al Gore and other celebs/famous people who preach about GLOBAL...

    Every celeb has to find a way to "give back", you know? It's BS if you ask me. Sure, they're making a positive difference, but is all for personal gain. In my humble opinion. =D