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  1. R

    will it still be playable if I get dark souls without xbox live?

    I have an xbox 360 with internet connection but I refuse to pay Microsoft to allow me to play online with others. I've been reading about dark souls and about how freaking hard it is and how its alot easier if you have a xbox live. does help from other players make that much of a difference? I...
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    funny names

    Skylar pisses me off to and they always end up as fucking douches
  3. R

    Can we start a new trend?

    By posting this: ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ...
  4. R

    Sci-Fi idea, what do you think?

    I don't read books, but so far i'd be interested in the movie.
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    Learning to ride on a 600cc super sport bike?

    I'm with the other two that answered. 600cc is too much to learn on and really all an experience rider needs on the public streets. There are certain skills you will not learn on mid-large sized bikes that you will learn on the smaller bikes. Don't let your inexperience and your current...
  6. R

    If i talk a fc will i be muder or shot by the cops in the head for be part of fc?

    Oh im sorry, i couldn't hear your question over your bad grammar
  7. R

    drinking in mexico

    You sound like a fucking geek. Zomg ima go to the border and get fucked up!!!!
  8. R

    tips on introducing a new puppy to a cat?

    my dog died a few months ago and my family is ready to get a new dog. we had our first dog for about 6 years before i came home with a cat. im guessing my cat was 6 months old when i found him so he was introduced to dogs pretty early. he had no problem with my dog. but my dog was a little on...
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    What the hell is with these tourists?

    I went from candlestick to beauty and the beast and the teapot. I was speed posting.
  10. R

    ST photobucket

    New original pic added to the Demotivators.
  11. R

    What happens if I commit a crime in the United States before leaving the Country...

    ...(See details)? I inherited a massive amount of mu-la from a grandfather and am now set for life. 20 and retired. My lifelong dream is less than a week from being fulfilled, that is, living in Italy. (Yes I speak, read and comprehend Italian fluently and my permanent residency status has been...
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    I have always loved their videos.
  13. R

    What is the car in this picture? (Gran Turismo 5)?

    Definitely a Vette. Definitely not a Ferrari.
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    omggg please help me asap lol?

    Ted Bundy fits the description. If not then add the name to the additional details so people know it's not him :P I'll check again in 10 minutes.
  15. R

    does t-mobile recycle cel phone numbers?

    calling a number for an ex friend who is, how do we say "on the run", got an answer from someone saying that he got the number from t-mobile and it was recycled and the person we were looking for isn't at that number. 808 area code.
  16. R

    modern day U.S. conspiracy theories to look into?

    One world govt- one world currency or one world economic controlling body (if you have a world central bank you have basically a one world govt
  17. R

    i don't ejaculate as much pre cum as i used to. why don't I?

    im 12 y.o. and i can ejaculate but i don't have as much pre cum as i used to. why dont I? is there something wrong? thanks for any help,Rooster
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    P. Manning M. Cassel or A Rogers who to start. Get back to me soon.?

    Manning. easily. Stick with your studs. Plus, he's facing the Bengals.
  19. R

    Help! What is a multi-region dvd player?!?

    Most Dvds are encoded for a region so lets say region one is North America you would either need to get a region one dvd player or a multi region dvd player so first check your dvd player to see if it has multi region support if it dosent than you will need a multi region dvd player
  20. R

    Do you think there might be a world war III in the future?

    After what happened in Georgia, Do you think there might be a world war III in the future?