
  1. D

    A year ago i used to Bench 120kg and now cant even bench 40kg lol ?

    A year ago i used to Bench 120kg and now cant even bench 40kg lol ? A year ago i used to Bench 120kg and now cant even bench 40kg lol ? I have not been in a gym for a year and have gone really weak ? When i used to train i weighed about 15 stones and now i weigh 11 stones. I went to the gym...
  2. D

    Used to Bench 120kg and now cant even bench 40kg lol ?

    I have not been in a gym for a year and have gone really weak ? When i used to train i weighed about 15 stones and now i weigh 11 stones. I went to the gym recently and was struggling to bench 40kg ?? If i started training daily again how long would it take me to get back to where i was ? How...
  3. A

    Raiders bench Jamarcus?

    Do you think Al "Puppetmaster" Davis will have Jamarcus benched if he plays bad again?
  4. L

    if u smoke will u still get strong from working out on a weight bench?

    OK! well ive realized ive gotten a little chubby lately and i want to start working out but i smoke weed and cigarettes and i dont want to hear stuff like quit and thats bad for you but please tell me will i still get stronger even tho i do smoke even tho i know i wont get a built as fast as...
  5. M

    How much would it cost to reupholster a 51 GMC bench seat?

    And re cushion
  6. S

    How do i build muscle with just a bench of only 100 and a pull up bar and...

    ...dumb bells that weigh 15? im 16 and am a dirt biker. i need to get stronger if i want to keep up with the bigger guys.
  7. V

    What type of seat belts are used on the middle bench seat in a 1982 vw bus?

    I have bought a 1982 vw bus and the seat belts are missing on the middle bench seat and I don't know what type they were, over the shoulder or round the waist if you know tell me where the seat belt attaches to.
  8. K

    how to get my bench up!?

    im 15 and weight 160 and bench 210! is that good for some one my size and age?? and how can i get my bench up about 15ilbs in a month! anything helps thxn and i take protein shakes
  9. J

    what is the "hump" in the bench press?

    i heard that it is pretty easy to go up in weight until you get to a certain weight that is very hard to get over but once you do, it stays consistanly easier....kind of hard to explain thorugh typing....and what is this weight?
  10. S

    workout routine for gaining muscle with barbell dumbbells and bench?

    hi i need a split routine to work my muscles hard and gain muscle with this equipment also i have a small room and i don't want to do squats or deadlifts because i know i will have bad form.
  11. Z

    how Should i raise my bench max 10 pounds in a week?

    im 15 and currently at 205. i am 5 10
  12. M

    i need help, i just started to bench press, and need a good workout routine?

    i weigh 170.5 lb, 15 years old.. and i found out my max is 136.5 lb.(i know thats bad) after that i benched 115 lb. in 3 sets of 10. i need to know a good workout routine for me. like if i should do incline lifts, or decline lifts. what percent of my max i should bench for each. etc. thanks for...
  13. J

    can immigration pick up on a bench warrant on some one that's here illegal?

    got bench warrant for not paying child support
  14. D

    Am I good at bench pressing?

    I am 109 pounds, 5-5, and I now bench press 170 pounds raw with a press command.
  15. G

    Where can I get a bench seat for a 1998 Ford F-250 pickup truck?

    It doesn't have to be NEW, but in good condition.
  16. L

    jordan farmar and trevor ariza, most exciting duo of the bench in the nba?

    i say so
  17. B

    will i develop good looking pecks by bench pressing?

    well i develop good looking and big pecks by bench pressing 70kg and doing flys cheers i am 16 and 5 ft 7 if that helps i weight 11 stone and i have been working out for about 6 months now and i can see changes but just want to know if i will develop
  18. C

    If you weer picked up by the sheriff's on a bench warrent?

    My ex was picked up on a bench warrent and was brought before a judge. Can he still file for his citizenship papers? My ex was picked up on a bench warrent and was brought before a judge. For not paying Child support. Can he still file for his citizenship papers?
  19. B

    bench seat that fits into a toyota hilux?

    i have a 1989 toyota hi-lux pick up mk3 and i wont to put a bench seat in they normally come out of a hi-lux mk2 model but trying to find one is like looking for gold dust does any one else know what else would fit in
  20. jimmyh

    How much should a fresman DE/ Linebacker squat and bench?

    Im 5' 6 and 155 lbs and run a 5.3 or 5.4 40 yard dash. i max out at 260lbs 1 time at squat and bench around 140. Any suggestions for what i should work on?