
  1. E

    Why do most of people just complain about the asian, blacks & hispanic

    immigrants but not about the white ones? I mean there are also a lot of illegal european immigrants in U.S. and it seems like no one really complains about it...
  2. S

    Why are the American Whites dragging Blacks on pick up trucks?

    Every time I turn on the news I see a story of some American Whites dragging Blacks on pick up trucks, attacking Blacks with fire water hoses, clubs and attack dogs. Why do they do this?
  3. S

    Why are the American Whites dragging Blacks on pick up trucks?

    Every time I turn on the news I see a story of some American Whites dragging Blacks on pick up trucks, attacking Blacks with fire water hoses, clubs and attack dogs. Why do they do this?
  4. S

    Will an xbox 360 get damaged if it blacks out?

    My xbox 360 came with a faulty power switch ( the box that you ut the power cable into ) and it used to sometimes black out when I was using the xbox 360. The xbox probably blacked out 20 times and i was wondering, if i find a way to make the xbox 360 stop blacking out, will those 20 blackouts...
  5. T

    After Colon Cancer Screening Blacks Have Lower Follow-Up Rates

    After receiving abnormal results on a flexible sigmoidoscopy screening test, more than 25 percent of participants in a large national trial did not go to a doctor for the recommended follow-up test, a diagnostic colonoscopy. Blacks in the study were less likely than whites to have the follow-up...
  6. T

    After Colon Cancer Screening Blacks Have Lower Follow-Up Rates

    After receiving abnormal results on a flexible sigmoidoscopy screening test, more than 25 percent of participants in a large national trial did not go to a doctor for the recommended follow-up test, a diagnostic colonoscopy. Blacks in the study were less likely than whites to have the follow-up...
  7. T

    Evidence-Based Stroke Care Less Likely To Be Received By Blacks, Hispanics Than Whit

    Blacks hospitalized with the most common type of stroke are less likely than white or Hispanic patients to receive evidence-based stroke care, according to a new study in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. But this disparity in care improved over time at hospitals...
  8. S

    What will it take for blacks to get away from fast food and start cooking...

    ...for themselves? Stop trying to live like Jay Fake and Butt-Younce. Blacks in the 1900's to 1970's were fit, had less cancer and heart disease. Cook for yourself.
  9. T

    Study Finds Blacks Have Highest Cancer Rates Of All Racial Ethnicities, Yet Feel Less

    Mammograms, pap smears and early detection tests for prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and other malignancies are critical for catching cancer before it becomes deadly. However, a new study by University at Buffalo researchers shows that persons of different ethnic groups have different ideas...
  10. I

    How Much Money And Food Will It Take To Make Blacks Stop Whining?

    They will never be white, so is the bridge uncrossable and Ham's Curse real?
  11. I

    How Much Money And Food Will It Take To Make Blacks Stop Whining?

    They will never be white, so is the bridge uncrossable and Ham's Curse real?
  12. B

    Why Should Whites Vote Against Their Racial Interests When 100% Of Blacks

    Would Vote For OJ Over Abe Lincoln? will whites ever be tricked again into voting for a sworn enemy?
  13. G

    Where Blacks, Whites and Orientals Fall on Various Traits

    This is Chart 1 from Race, Evolutoin and Behavior by J. Philippe Rushton, originally published in the Unabridged Edition of same. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  14. T

    Study Shows Elderly Blacks Are More Likely To Skip Their Medication Than Whites And M

    Older adults experience a number of medication-related problems, including under treatment, suboptimal drugs, suboptimal dosing, and non-adherence, which can have negative effects on their quality of life. Now new research1, from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy at the University of North...
  15. X

    Blacks complain because we are still marginalized in society, why don't white

    people understand that? There are black people that beat the odds don't get me wrong. There are black families that pulled themselves up out of poverty. We all started out poor, thats what some blacks forget, and what most whites don't understand. The only poor whites I know of are the ones that...
  16. C

    Why do people think blacks are better at dancing then whites? when did this

    ever happen? Lol? last time I remembered, in my prom everyone sucked at dancing, white or black or asian whatever... and soulja boy isn't exactly a pro... all there is is Michael Jackson...and even Michael Jackson looks kinda funny when he dances! rofl
  17. D

    Why are blacks not dominating UFC MMA (Mixed Martail Arts)?

    I don't see that many blacks in UFC MMA. Anyone else notice this? I thought black people were supposed to be "racially superior" in sports. Look at boxing. How comes blacks are not dominating UFC MMA? Just wondering.. I'm talking about BLACK people. BJ Penn is not BLACK. I'm in my thirties...
  18. P

    Where can I find Djarum Blacks Cigarettes in the US?

    just wondering if these are still being sold in the US. if they are, where? gas stations? my local tobacconist? or is there an online retailer that is based in the US that i can get them from? here's a picture:
  19. T

    What do blacks in the USA have against Judaism?

    All the most famous black leaders in the US are very anti-Semitic like Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright
  20. T

    What do blacks in the USA have against Judaism?

    All the most famous black leaders in the US are very anti-Semitic like Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright