
  1. S

    Why do white people want blacks to stop complaining?

    Do they want blacks and other races to stop complaining about racism and past history so that they can try to brainwash the new generation and start slavery over again or to strip us of even more of our rights? Paul. I would like for u to tell a room full of white people the same thing. Tell...
  2. G

    Google Blacks Out Hundreds of Entertaining, Voyeuristic Street View Shots [Street Vie

    Goodbye, creepy guy holding a rifle. Goodbye, dude walking out of a sex shop. Goodbye, public urinators. Due to privacy complaints, Google has been forced to delete scores of its best Street View shots. Google was already forced to blur faces and license plates, but the pile of complaints has...
  3. J

    Are blacks more physically stronger then other races?

    If you could make a classification of races without the PC (political correctness team) jumping in and removing my answer surely some races are credited with what they have done in history? Im just calling a spade a spade. E.g the Europeans (white) folks are credited with the power of...
  4. C

    How many blacks truly HATE mayo? I know this is like one of those weird...

    ...stereo-types, but there is truth to it? Because a lot of black ppl really do hate it. I am one. What is it about that stuff? This is one reason why I dont eat Jack in the Box- they put mayo on all their food and have the audacity to warm it up...oh, oh, oh.. i almost threw up. Oh, maybe it's...
  5. Y

    Why did blacks allow themselves to be enslaved and now today complain about it?

    Why were they not able to prevent the slave masters from enslaving them? There were no "evil white men" before that to hold back their development. I'm still waiting for a real answer. I have time and I check back.
  6. Y

    Why did blacks allow themselves to be enslaved and now today complain about it?

    Why weren't they able to defeat the slave masters?
  7. W

    Do you know that Obama's hero Abraham Lincoln wanted to kick all blacks out of

    the USA? Obama keeps loving Lincoln, yet Lincoln thought that all blacks should be sent back to Africa,but was killed and didn't get to enforce it... Can you imagine how horrible that would have been? We would not have the benefit of Crips and Bloods and rap and taggers and full jails, and...

    now that we have a black president, will this signal an end to blacks complaining of

    the slightest things? damn, everywhere I go, I see black people complaining to sales agents, grocery cashiers, come on, why do they have to argue that much,
  9. Y

    Why do blacks whine about slavery?

    I noticed this a lot on TV. They never were slaves. Dont give me that ancestry crap. If you go back in history you will see ever ethnicity was a slave at one point
  10. V

    Why is our country STILL giving handouts to blacks and native who complain...

    ...the loudest? Okay let me get this straight. This is "native" soil. (Even thou we all apparently came from Africa they want to claim it first, when theres no proof they were here first, they could of wiped out a race we knew nothing about.) So even thou its 2009 and nobody is alive from what...
  11. C

    Name 5 unmixed black celebs in America... if not, then 'blacks' in the U.S....

    ...arent really black, right? All of the ones you listed are mixed, do you understand the concept of the question? Reread slowly.
  12. F

    How do you "Get Buck." Rap Artists so famous? Do "good" blacks despise

    How do you "Get Buck." Rap Artists so famous? Do "good" blacks despise rappers for their apish behavior? Popularized by the lower class (African Americans), terms such as Get Buck and Getting Crunk have perplexed the educated and the hard working for years. Typically it is the rapping...
  13. J

    Why is it okay for Harry to say P**i but not n****r? Why do the blacks

    get special treatment? It should be okay to say either.
  14. J

    Why do ppl blame all blacks when a black celebrity (Chris Brown) does something bad?

    I don't support what he did, but I went on youtube looking for Chris Brown and I found all these racist comments calling him the n word saying "ship them back to africa" and all this crazy stuff. But then nobody cares when it's a white person, there not gonna say "oh it's Michael PHelps fault...
  15. A

    Why don't blacks include Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy in black history month.?

    I just want to know why Martin L King jr is most talked about when it comes to blacks freedom and rights. Way i see it if it wasn't for lincoln freeing the slaves they would still be slaves now. No president before Lincoln cared. It took 19 presidents after LIncoln To push for blacks rights...
  16. L

    How did the blacks treat john howard griffin ?

    I was just wondering about some examples people could give me. Cause I can't find any examples or quotes. I need examples up until november 14 in the novel.
  17. A

    alright how does like you see all duh blacks on dirt bikes on one wheel how...

    ...can i learn to do that? ok you know how if you from baltimore and you see the blacks on there dirt bikes theys doin wheelies for along time balancing well help me lol hows can i be able to do it on mine they act like its easy as cake man is there a seacret to it
  18. M

    why do blacks and latin americans are always portray as a bad guys in...

    ...hollywood movies? i mean when u watch hollywood movies where cops or drugs are part of the storyline in the movies.the blacks and the latin americans are always the villain in the movies and the whites are always end up as the heroes in the movies .. do you think hollywood are racist...
  19. D

    Blacks bleaching skin? (20 characters?)?

    I saw on oprah in a preview thing that this woman was bleaching her skin (like bleach for clothes!) and she was doing it to her sons too! does anyone else think this is horribly wrong? Especially for her to make her sons do it! you're beautiful how you are, you know? jeezz
  20. D

    Why to blacks think they corner the market on being "oppressed".When will they

    Why to blacks think they corner the market on being "oppressed".When will they stop whining and realize others? have suffered JUST as badly in fact FAR WORSE? The Rev Jeremiah Wright is correct and so is Obama when they say that the USA should be ashamed of Slavery. We should also be ashamed...