
  1. M

    question about serving old impatient ppl without getting complained on.?

    Ok i work at a retirement home as a dietary server, I have been there for 3 in a half months. Well They give me 4-5 tables of old ppl that i have to wait on at once and they are all so impatient! an they keep complaining that i am to slow.. cuz how i start off is I get each tables their drinks...
  2. R

    Have we ever had a President that complained (make that whined) about how

    Lg neon problem.. The screen is just black,? The screen is just black, and its not showing anything. But whenever I press a button the buttons light up (its supposed to) Anyone know how to fix it? Already tried to turn it off didnt work, already took out the battery, already charged it -.-
  3. M

    Would I look like a lunatic if I constantly complained about MTV all the time?

    Wouldn't you just tell me that I don't have to watch it, sort of like Fox news? Neonerd, again, your choice to see or not see.
  4. A

    Someone complained about me at my new job?

    I thought everything was going great. I do so much for everyone. I'm a receptionist and fax, photocopy, answer phones, mail and do sooo many errands all the day. I do a coffee run each morning for everyone and buy my bosses lunch each day, I run out to get pain killers when they are sick, I walk...
  5. F

    How many of you in this section complained that Spain play boring football during

    the World Cup? I have noticed that a lot of English fans made this claim during the tournament on several forums, and it's an embarrassing one indeed. So who here thinks Spain were/are boring, own up. I don't consider anyone who can't appreciate a team are as entertaining and talented as Spain...
  6. F

    How many of you in this section complained that Spain play boring football during

    the World Cup? I have noticed that a lot of English fans made this claim during the tournament on several forums, and it's an embarrassing one indeed. So who here thinks Spain were/are boring, own up. I don't consider anyone who can't appreciate a team are as entertaining and talented as Spain...
  7. Q

    My boyfriend complained that my breasts are uneven, what do you think (picture

    included)? I don't know what's wrong with his eyes, my breasts are perfect why won't you look at the picture ? jeez. It doesn't bite. god you women are boring and lame
  8. E

    a policeman complained about a colleague for harassment months later I...

    ...found out his statement is false? the police refuse to do anything I can not afford a solicitor and everyone keeps saying let it go,but its effected my life totally and I know the law says if I made a false statement I could go to jail. So why should he be treated differently just because...
  9. L

    Liberals complained GM made gas guzzlers and sent jobs to Mexico, why did

    the Dems decide to bail them out? All day long I read liberals complain out gov't helping corporations, about corporations shipping jobs overseas. Prior to the GM bailout, I heard liberals complain about gas-guzzlers from Detroit. With all that why did the Dems decide to bail out a corporation...
  10. R

    If we were hanging out at your house and I complained that...?

    Your socks reeked and looked literally slimey and told you Id never let anything that digusting come NEAR my feet and I fell asleep at your house for the night...what would you do?
  11. W

    England complained about the Jubulani several weeks ago?

    John Terry said ''We were promised some for the World Cup but we came here without any balls'' Well Gary, have you ever heard anything like that? (John Motson)
  12. O

    Obama loses HALF A MILLION JOBS A MONTH; Remember when Dems complained about...

    ...Bush CREATING 150,000 jobs/month? Remember when Bush creating jobs 150,000 wasn't great? Yet Obama losing 450,000 jobs per month shows "recovery is just around the corner"?? I REMEMBER: Will you Remember in November
  13. D

    Gave bum $25 gift card, he complained?

    i had a 'stroke of niceness' and i handed a bum on the street a $25 gift card to a local restaurant.i wasnt looking for a thank you but I thought he would for sure thank me and all that stuff. to my surprise he yelled at me and threw it on the ground and said, "YOU EXPECT ME TO WALK 5 MILES IN...
  14. D

    Gave bum $25 gift card, he complained?

    i had a 'stroke of niceness' and i handed a bum on the street a $25 gift card to a local restaurant.i wasnt looking for a thank you but I thought he would for sure thank me and all that stuff. to my surprise he yelled at me and threw it on the ground and said, "YOU EXPECT ME TO WALK 5 MILES IN...
  15. N

    Should I have complained to the waiter about this?

    I ate out tonight at a moderately priced restaurant. My dinner came with two of those little round plastic containers of butter where you peel back the lid and scoop the butter out with your knife. They were placed on the edge of the plate, intended to be used on the toast. I used up the...
  16. L

    my boyfriend complained that I grunt?

    Okay, I want to hear from the guys mostly. My boyfriend (we broke up 2 weeks ago) said I grunt during orgasms - per the girlfriend he was seeing on the side - that's another story. Maybe I do, I don't know. He said it was disgusting. Now I'm scared to have sex again because I might make that...
  17. J

    My son complained of his middle/upper back hurting, says he's tired and...

    ...hard to walk. What could it be? After picking up the little guy from school today, he complained of his upper back hurting (between shoulder blades) and says he felt tired and is hard for him to walk. I asked him if something happened at school, if he got hurt and he said no. I also checked...
  18. K

    During the Civil War many poor Southerners complained that it was a rich man's war...

    ...but a poor mans fight.HELP!? this is for AP United States History: During the Civil War many poor Southerners complained that it was a rich man's war but a poor man's fight. On what basis did they make this complaint? Could Northerners have made the same accusation for the same reason...
  19. K

    Is it illegal for Human Resources to tell a person who has complained against them?

    A manager at my husbands work has several complaints made against her and the Human Resources team have forwarded these on to the said manager and named and shamed the people complaining? Is there a law against?
  20. S

    My daughter is almost 5 and today she complained of her leg hurting there is no

    sign of injury.? She went to sleep and woke up within minutes and is almost in tears with pain. Can anyone give me some ideas of what could be the problem?