
  1. K

    Which conservative radio talk show host complained about the Fairness Doctrine this

    I hope all of them diligently continue the fight daily.... Too bad your liberal talk radio shows could not keep as huge of a listening population and went under due to their ignorance. We will keep up the fight til the end...
  2. S

    Why haven't the people who complained about Obama calling refering to

    himself as Black, ever complain about...? the countless *biracials* who play children of two Black parents on Black sitcoms throughout Television history? Why bring up the topic now? I have NEVER EVER heard a White person who an opinion on this topic. And even if they (or you) have had an...
  3. D

    Is it a good thing that no woman has ever complained to me about leaving the...

    ...toilet seat up? The reason is such: the toilet seat was always down and was never in the entire duration of my usage, up. I always give my best aim. As for any incidental redirection of stream due to turbulent flow or influx volume... well let's just say that less powerful than urea 0,08...
  4. K

    I was fired because I complained about other employees working under the table and...

    ...I was not.Is this fair? The company is incorporated and I am listed (besides the owner) as the only employee. One of the cash employees is getting unemployment pay and one of the other employees has been collecting workmans comp for three years from another company. What should I do, can I...
  5. P

    Our neighbor's have complained for the 2nd time in the last 6 months about my...

    ...dogs, what can I do? Our neighbors are a couple who appear as though they would have been (and probably were) very popular in the 60's. They are quiet, keep to themselves, and have been extraordinarily accommodating to the fact that my husband and I have five dogs and are, in general, very...
  6. J

    The heart patient complained of adhesions from the scar, leg cramps, and joint

    stiffness? but no medical reason could be found to explain the symptoms. The best diagnosis for this disorder is: conversion disorder. somatization disorder. pain disorder associated with psychological factors. preoccupation disorder.
  7. G

    The heart patient complained of adhesions from the scar, leg cramps, and

    joint stiffness, but no medical? reason could be found to explain the symptoms. The best diagnosis for this disorder is: conversion disorder. somatization disorder. pain disorder associated with psychological factors. preoccupation disorder.
  8. W

    People complained at the gym that I stink?

    The owner told me today that people were saying that I stink when I workout. I tend to sweat more than a normal person. The owner told me I should take a bath before and after my workout. I told him what's the point when I'm just gonna get sweaty and stinky during my routine. What would you do...
  9. R

    Why aren't the leftists who complained about Bush's runaway spending...

    ...upset with Obama? I hear folks taking 'Republicans' who complain about Obama's 'first Trillion' to task because, in their minds THEY were upset with Bush's spending, but these 'Republicans' were not. This, despite the fact that there were a LOT of complaints about Bush's spending from the...
  10. I

    The neighbors complained about the new band playing in the garage next door.

    What was the loudness....? decibels, if the intensity (I) was measured at 251,189 more intense than the minimum intensity (I*)? If the city ordinance maximum is 55 decibels will the band be fined for violating it? Are they allowed to play any louder? PLEASE HELP. this is a question on...
  11. Z

    Complained to HOA, now I regret it. What can I do to fix this?

    I have a neighbor that has caused all types of problems. We keep to ourselves, and only notice problems when they "hit the fan" because we work all day. About a year ago, a lady moved into a home with her 5 kids. We thought it was a beautiful family at first, but later we would learn more about...
  12. M

    Has your husband or boyfriend complained about your?

    loose vagina after vaginal birth? Im scared that my girl will have this inevitable condition! If i force her to get a c-section will that help?
  13. M

    My wife had complained not being satisfied with me?

    This is not love or a marriage, just end it you will both be better off
  14. N

    Will the Conservatives who complained and boycotted the Dixie Chicks for being

    unpatriotic do the same? To Elta James, for disavowing her American citizenship by saying Obama is not her President, and being treasonous? Or is it only unpatriotic and treasonous to complain about Bush...
  15. G

    Have you ever complained when you found a hair in your food?

    If you did, what did they do for you? Hi ???? yes I experienced it about 10 minutes ago lol! That's why I thought I would ask! :)
  16. W

    Will those of you who called others, who complained about Bush and his...

    ...agenda, traitors and suggested we move? continue to attack and complain about Obama or will you be packing your bags? Will you support the president as you suggested we liberals do or will you be the kind of "traitor" that you accused liberals of being during the Bush administration. Will...
  17. H

    In 05 the liberals complained bitterly about the elaborate waste in the inaugural...

    ...celebration when? Our men and women were wearing body armour in a war and dying in vain. George Bush was not worth the time and money spent for an election he stole! The question now, is where is the complaint now? The silence is deafening!
  18. M

    If a left handed man shot a child and I complained,could he reasonably accuse

    me of "hating" left handed men? Because the accusation is about the child being shot not the fact that he is left handed. In a similar case when I complain about Israel deliberately targeting children often all I get as a reply is "you hate Jews" when this reply is not an answer to the question...
  19. D

    Remember when the neocons complained about the challenge to the Florida vote?

    They claimed that the Democrats were whiners and unpatriotic. They proclaimed the will of the people. Now they won't accept the results in Minnesota. Just how lame is that? Has the GOP reached the acme of cynicism? Come on, folks! The issue is not the outcome in either, but the invective...