
  1. C

    White wine and garlic green beans; will they compliment this dish or overpower it?

    I'm inviting my boyfriend over for dinner tomorrow. I'm making mozzarella chicken raviolis with garlic alfredo sauce; they're really good with regular canned green beans, but since I'm inviting someone over, I want to use fresh cut green beans this time. This is the recipe I'm considering...
  2. S

    Is telling someone they look like a celeb a good compliment?

    A good lookin celeb! N what do u think they might of thought wen i told them this
  3. K

    Would you think it a compliment if you were told you had a dry sense of humour?

    I've only ever understood this expression vaguely?
  4. M

    Is this woman interested in me? We compliment each other's dry humor well?

    Ladies: Why is she still interested in me? Ladies: Why is she still interested in me? Went out for a drink with someone I met on a dating site. I already told her I have a foot fetish and she jokes about it instead of assuming the worst. I didn't tell her in person just via text. For the record...
  5. TeddyLewis

    Is this sesame street comment a compliment or insult? lol?

    So today in class, I had to make a presentation and after class this girl said, "I love your voice, you sound like a character from Sesame Street." I just smiled and said thanks but I was thinking to myself, "From sesame street?, I don't want to sound like a cartoon character!" One of my...
  6. B

    Rate me? What's one compliment? What's one flaw? I'm not fishing ok? Lol thanks (8? How old do I look Rate me One compliment One flaw
  7. R

    What minor would really compliment my major in Nutrition/Dietetics?

    I am senior in high school right now and am thinking about a Dietetics major. I wanted to minor in English writing (since I love writing) but I'm not so sure. Others told me a minor in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, or even Fitness would be better for me. Or should I double major? But I have...
  8. M

    in search of an easy cook book to compliment p90x program?

    starting the p90x program this following week. iam about 6ft 200lbs and aiming to cut about 30lbs. looking for an easy recipe book for healthy quick recipes. not something with a thousand ingredients i dont have, and breakfast recipes that take the FAST out of beakFAST. if someone can only...
  9. A_Guy

    How would a woman compliment a male best friend versus someone she is interested in?

    How would a woman compliment differently a male best friend compared to a male friend who she is interested in romantically?
  10. I

    When you're thrown a compliment, do you deny it, so that you receive more

    compliments? lol? A guy friend of mine complimented me today saying I looked so pretty today. Of course I knew I looked good, but I denied him saying 'you're just flattering me', and he kept saying no you really look great today lol :P Do you do that too?
  11. I

    When people compliment you, do you deny it, so you receive more compliments? lol?

    A guy friend of mine complimented me today saying I looked so pretty today. Of course I knew I looked good, but I denied him saying 'you're just flattering me', and he kept saying no you really look great today lol :P Do you do that too?
  12. S

    How or Whats a good way to Compliment and introduce myself to a girl at school?

    At this time i've decided to start talking to some girls that i dont know very well, and i wanna approach with a good impression! what are some great ways to introduce myself after giving a compliment about there clothing, like her shoes for example? and joke around alittle?,...since i have a...
  13. S

    How or Whats a good way to Compliment and introduce myself to a girl at school?

    At this time i've decided to start talking to some girls that i dont know very well, and i wanna approach with a good impression! what are some great ways to introduce myself after giving a compliment about there clothing, like her shoes for example? and joke around alittle?,...since i have a...
  14. W

    Sister won't give a single compliment to my cooking?

    Starting earlier this year, my sister has been staying at my place, usually I do all the housework including the cooking, while she spends most of her time doing her own business (a med student and also a heavy sleeper), this became an issue late, not only she shown off the 'I don't care'...
  15. I

    is it a compliment when told that i dress like a step ford wife?

    it made me smile:) i wear skirts and dresses and silly shoes all of the time. i only own one pair of jeans and my friends say wow you are wearing jeans!
  16. I

    is it a compliment when told that i dress like a step ford wife?

    it made me smile:) i wear skirts and dresses and silly shoes all of the time. i only own one pair of jeans and my friends say wow you are wearing jeans!
  17. C

    is it a compliment for lesbians to be told they look like justin beiber?

    ok so i think we all get the point that justin looks like a butch woman. but anyways i was watching some videos from lesbians who talked about looking like justing beiber like it was a good thing? and this girl who goes to my school who is a lesbian has all this crap about justin beiber. so is...
  18. C

    What style of bridesmaid dress can compliment my weding dress?

    I have a traditionally white simple but very elegant wedding dress. Because it is simple, I am afraid I can't stand out in all guests, especially my honor of brides. Now I am not sure what style of bridesmaid dress can compliment my wedding dress. Thanks for any advice. Here is my dress image...
  19. A

    I need fashion help to compliment me!?

    I am a size 9 in bottoms with big hips and a small waist, i am 5'4 and i have no idea how to make my hips looks smaller with being in style and fashionable!
  20. B

    Is Goju-Ryu Karate a good compliment to Judo esp in relation to self defence?

    Is Goju-Ryu Karate a good compliment to Judo esp in relation to self defence? I'm thinking of training 3 nights a week. Week one- Judo twice and Goju-Ryu once and Week two- Judo once and Goju-Ryu twice. Would this be good and would it help me create a decent self defence style?