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    New British Study Confirms Climate Change Consensus, Daily Mail Gets It Totally Wrong

    Since the Daily Mail is a British thing and the latest form of entertainment in Britain is Libel Tourism, I won't say to you that the Daily Mail is a rag full of lies and deceit. Instead, I'll let you be the judge. The study: Decline in solar output unlikely to offset global warming...
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    NASA Satellite Confirms Sharp Decline In Pollution From U.S. Coal Power Plants

    A team of scientists have used the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Aura satellite to confirm major reductions in the levels of a key air pollutant generated by coal power plants in the eastern United States. The pollutant, sulfur dioxide, contributes to the formation of acid rain and...
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    Study Confirms Smoke-Free Workplaces Reduce Heart Attacks

    Mayo Clinic researchers have amassed additional evidence that secondhand smoke kills and smoke-free workplace laws save lives. The study will be presented to the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions on Monday in Orlando. Their research shows that the incidence of heart attacks and...
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    Roger Mayweather confirms they don't want Floyd Jr. to fight Pacquiao? @Red Boy So even his trusted trainer doesn't know anything? Only Floyd Jr. himself knows? He already said he's not fighting Pacquiao. He...
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    Fantasia Confirms Pregnancy: "I Don't Have to Hide It"

    Less than a year ago, Fantasia Barrino was, tragically, thinking about ending her life. Now, she's starting a new one. The former American Idol winner, who has had her share of...
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    Genetic Research Confirms That Non-Africans Are Part Neanderthal

    Some of the human X chromosome originates from Neanderthals and is found exclusively in people outside Africa, according to an international team of researchers led by Damian Labuda of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Montreal and the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center. The...
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    Telecom confirms CDMA closure date: 31 July, 2012

    Since the launch of the XT mobile network in 2009, Telecom has said it would close the CDMA network around mid-2012.
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    Impax Laboratories Confirms Patent Suit Relating To Generic Detrol(R) Immediate-Relea

    Impax Laboratories, Inc. (NASDAQ:IPXL) today confirms that Pfizer Inc., Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC and Pfizer Health AB (collectively, "Pfizer") have filed suit for patent infringement against Impax in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey in connection with Detrol®...
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    Clarence Thomas's GF confirms Anita Hill's allegations

    In principle, if not in detail: Lillian McEwen was that woman.At the time, she was on good terms with Thomas. The former assistant U.S. attorney and Senate Judiciary Committee counsel had dated him for years, even attending a March 1985 White House state dinner as his guest. She had worked on...
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    Microsoft confirms initial availability of Windows Phone 7

    There are more than 60 mobile operators in over 30 countries worldwide committed to bringing Windows Phones to market.
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    Microbiology Confirms A Bean Sprout Link With Salmonella Bareilly Cases, UK

    Microbiologists at the Health Protection Agency's Centre for Infections (CFI) in Colindale have confirmed the link between contaminated bean sprouts and 141 cases of Salmonella Bareilly in the UK. Specialists in the CFI's Salmonella Reference Unit report that the strain of Salmonella Bareilly...
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    NASA IBEX Probe Confirms Freaky Stuff Happening at the Edge of Our Solar System [Spac

    Fact: Space is a freak show. But that link goes to a post about deep space, beyond our solar system. Thanks to the IBEX probe, however, we're quickly learning that our own backyard is rife with the freaky-deaky too. More »
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    Alabama Department Of Public Health Confirms Eastern Equine Encephalitis Cases In Hor

    The Alabama Department of Public Health has confirmed three positive cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in horses located in Baldwin, Escambia, and Washington Counties. Public Health receives positive case reports from the Alabama Department of Agriculture, and the agencies work...
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    Harvard Confirms Scientific Micsonduct by Marc Hauser

    I am sad to report that it is indeed confirmed by official sources that primatologist Marc Hauser engaged in several instances of what is being termed misconduct while carrying out experiments in his lab. Dean Michael Smith issued the following letter to members of the Harvard community today...
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    Study Confirms Maternity Patient Safety Program Improves Outcomes For Mothers And New

    The Canadian MOREOB patient safety program has a measurable, positive impact on the health of mothers and babies. This is the conclusion of a study featured in the August edition of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, entitled Outcomes of the Introduction of the MOREOB Continuing...
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    Senate Confirms Kagan To Become Fourth Woman To Serve On Supreme Court

    Elena Kagan -- who made history as the first female solicitor general and the first female dean of Harvard Law School -- received Senate confirmation Thursday to become the third woman on the current Supreme Court and the fourth female justice in U.S. history, USA Today reports. Five Republican...
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    FDA Confirms September 16th Advisory Committee Meeting To Review Lorcaserin For Obesi

    Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARNA) and Eisai Inc. announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has notified the company of the confirmed scheduling of an Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee meeting on September 16, 2010, for the review of the lorcaserin New...
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    Intel confirms light beams can replace electronic signals

    Intel creates world's first end-to-end silicon photonics connection with integrated lasers. Impact on computer design, with dramatic increase in performance and energy savings.
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    Canon Confirms Smaller DSLR-type Camera In The Works [Canon]

    In response to the growing popularity of smaller, 'mirrorless' mcameras such as the Sony NEX series and micro four-thirds cameras like the Olympus PEN, Canon has confirmed that it's going to build its own version of the small high-quality camera. Will it be a micro four thirds? Judging by what...
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    Telecom New Zealand confirms service closure timings for CDMA network

    Telecom today confirmed the closure dates for two services on its CDMA mobile network, which is set for final closure mid-2012.