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    New Pre Commercial Confirms What We All Suspected (Bitch Is Crazy) [Ads]

    One look at the Palm Pre's spokesperson and we knew she was crazy. Now, in her latest commercial, she admits it...right after proposing that the Pre can actually read her mind.
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    Ballmer Confirms Skinny Version of Windows 7 for Netbooks [Windows 7]

    Even though Microsoft says Windows 7 works beautifully on netbooks just the way it is—and it's true—Steve Ballmer confirmed they're making Windows 7 tighten things up to run even better on them. One of the catalysts for Windows 7's diet for the netbook crowd, apparently, is Google's Android...
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    Asus CEO Confirms Low-Cost Eee Phone Is On The Way [Eee Phone]

    We've heard rumors, but now we can say without almost full certainty that Asus is working on a low-cost "Eee Phone" to complement its mostly Asia-only Windows Mobile smartphones. But will it run Android? Asus head Jonney Shih told the Times' Saul Hansell that the forthcoming Eee Phone will be...
  4. A

    UN confirms that there were no miltants in the UN school bombed by Israel....

    ...What now? ? How many crimes like this have to happen in order that somebody do something to stop this madness?