
  1. P

    How/when will you Die? (really creepy)?

    I'm pretty freaked out right now, my cousin died last year from downing and I just took this death quiz for fun and my results said my death would be water related. How eerie is that? You can take the quiz below, I want to know what you guys get and if it relates to any deaths in the family...
  2. O

    Creepy books for young adults?

    I'm not looking for vampires or werevoles...I'm looking for something like: -Serial by Jack Kilborn and Blake Crouch -Swimsuit by James Patterson -Caught by Harlan Coben I want something like Nightmare on Elm Street, except in a book. I dont care if it's "rated r"
  3. M

    Poll: Was this a creepy facebook status comment?

    I am very subconscience of myself and i tend to second guess myself alot. One of my friends was hiking and got close to a marmot. This was their status (Worded differently) I liked it and commented with "Marmot's are awesome and they almost make me wish I had a pet marmot" I am just not sure of...
  4. R

    Does this creepy man greet you every time you sign in?
  5. S

    This is something really creepy about Abraham Lincoln before he died?

    Well, he had a dream shortly before he died warning him about what might happen later: This was the dream: Lincoln heard muffled noises, like sobbing, in the White House. He left his bed and went from room to room, looking for mourners. When he got to the East room, he saw a corpse, wrapped in...
  6. M

    Another Creepy Dream, meaning please?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    Okay. so lately I've been having some weird dreams, but last night's really scared me. I was dead, and I know everyone knew I was dead, but for some reason at first I didn't completely believe it. I was just sitting on my couch, watching TV, and some of my family were sitting next to me crying...
  7. B

    creepy weird dream i had last nite 0_0?

    ok, so the dream starts out me in a sword fight with this guy *did not stand on this but i THINK he was a anthropomorphic wolf* (in case you dont know what a anthro is lol) so i kept on sword fighting him...
  8. L

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names?

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names? Im not like normally a creepy person that says things like "Make bitches Jelous" but sometimes fashion blogs can be a little boring so i think if im funny in sort of a mean way it will be much more entertaining...
  9. L

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names?

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names? Im not like normally a creepy person that says things like "Make bitches Jelous" but sometimes fashion blogs can be a little boring so i think if im funny in sort of a mean way it will be much more entertaining...
  10. L

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names?

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names? Im not like normally a creepy person that says things like "Make bitches Jelous" but sometimes fashion blogs can be a little boring so i think if im funny in sort of a mean way it will be much more entertaining...
  11. L

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names?

    Is "GlitterInOurVeins" or "MakeBitchesJelous" Creepy or good fashion Blog names? Im not like normally a creepy person that says things like "Make bitches Jelous" but sometimes fashion blogs can be a little boring so i think if im funny in sort of a mean way it will be much more entertaining...
  12. C

    Are there any Christians out there that find this creepy?

    On the radio this morning i was listening to a guy go on at length about how he was "a part of the bride [of Jesus]" and that at any time the rapture could come and he'd be taken up into the air to be, as he was describing it, Jesus' lover. It was borderline pornographic especially since it was...
  13. R

    Does anyone else think that T mobile ad on the right of the homepage is creepy?

    the one where the guy has a balloon head and it deflates?
  14. R

    Does anyone else think that T mobile ad on the right of the homepage is creepy?

    the one where the guy has a balloon head and it deflates?
  15. R

    Does anyone else think that T mobile ad on the right of the homepage is creepy?

    the one where the guy has a balloon head and it deflates?
  16. H

    Is it creepy to chat with random people?

    Is it weird for me to chat with random people, like the wait(er/ess) at the restaurant, the cashier at the grocery store, the ride operator at a theme park, someone sitting across from me on the metro, etc.? I mean just asking them about their jobs, where they got their shoes, that kind of...
  17. A

    What kind of illusions would you put into a creepy forest?

    Im writing a story about a girl who gets lost in a creepy forest. This forest needs to have some weird illusions in it. For example: She looks into a mirror and sees a bloody version of herself. Stuff like that. Any ideas will be helpful.
  18. M

    What elements in a story make it creepy?

    For an English assignment, I am writing a short story in the style of Edgar Allen Poe. I have a rough draft of a plot right now, and it's pretty creepy, but I want to achieve maximum scariness, so I'd like suggestions. Also, I don't want blood-and-guts gore scary, I want more psychological...
  19. L

    creepy? likes me? or doesn't like me? lol?

    he always stares at me when he sees me, even when i'm with my boyfriend, he makes it pretty obvious as well. he works at a cafe and i was sat on the bench outside with my boyfriend the other day and he stood in the doorway of the cafe just staring at us, what do you think? he mainly looks at my...
  20. D

    I had a creepy dream about a girl, and the super natural can someone give me

    their opinion? I was in building in the middle of what appeared to be a normal city block, while inside the building there were different rooms some caged, some simply curtained, and there were people caring for other people. All of a sudden I was winded, and a person walked up to me and said...