
  1. F

    OK... I know this sounds a little creepy, but have you ever heard of......?

    having a vision of life before birth? I have been looking for a way to explain it for many years, and the only people who know are my parents, who are puzzled by my explanation. I saw myself and had the real sensation of myself somewhere right before my birth. I was walking with a figure in a...
  2. L

    Does anyone remember a creepy animated film on Nickelodeon in the 80s...

    ...about an angry broken toy in a junkyard? My recollection of it is awfully vague, but back when Nickelodeon was first starting out, they featured some pretty strange foreign cartoons in the early afternoon. This was an animated film they showed at least a half dozen times, possibly anime, and...
  3. L

    Creepy Christian "lullaby" in minor key?

    When I was about five or six years old, my mother would play a cassette tape of Christian "lullabies" when I would take my afternoon nap. Either she never really listened to it, or she never realized how it affected me, but... There was one song on the tape that was in minor key, and it always...
  4. D

    was this funny or creepy?

    backdrop: woman comes up and holds a mini statue of Santa hugging the north pole (which is much bigger than the Santa Woman: "this looks wrong!" (apparently suggesting that it looked like santa had a large wang) me: if I had one that big, i'd be hugging it too!.
  5. E

    I had this creepy dream last night. Help?!?

    So me and my friends were in the car and I was sitting next to one of my guy friends. He was apparently my boyfriend in the dream (even though I have a crush on another one of my guy friends that was in the backseat). So, anyway I was messing with my "boyfriends" hair when the driver (I don't...
  6. P

    Does it sound creepy for cousin's betrothal greeting?

    Do you remember that winter you came for my driver's test even when you had a lot to read...I failed that test anyways. And do you remember that day you told everyone that I got traffic ticket, and you told me I should be honest always...yeah, you were always a tough girl. well, you will no...
  7. P

    Does it sound creepy for cousin's betrothal greeting?

    Do you remember that winter you came for my driver's test even when you had a lot to read...I failed that test anyways. And do you remember that day you told everyone that I got traffic ticket, and you told me I should be honest always...yeah, you were always a tough girl. well, you will no...
  8. K

    Concepts you find to be creepy or disturbing?

    I'm writing a little story and need to see what others find creepy, since I'm so desensitized to that kind of thing. I have a few ideas, but they don't seem all that... extreme to me. Movies or books that you found creepy/disturbing are also welcomed, though I'd rather find out about sole...
  9. G

    Finally! Someone Shot the Creepy Palm Pre Chick! [Palm Pre Chick]

    Confession: I haven't seen September Dawn. I didn't know about the movie until today. What I do know is that the actress who plays the creepy Palm Pre chick dies at the 3:01 mark of this clip. In creepy fashion. I'm informed that September Dawn is supposed to be a very romantic and dramatic...
  10. M

    Fellow atheists - have you managed to pick up any creepy religious stalkers on here?

    You know the type - desperate to prove they're much cleverer than you. Mines a woman and, frankly, I think she fancies me a bit ;-) (Should I tell her I'm spoken for, or just let her dream?) Oh - and to all Christian's who are not creepy stalkers, I'm not implying you're all like that before...
  11. R

    Is this TV commercial TOO CREEPY for TV?

    This is a commercial we have produced and we are worried it's more creepy than it is funny. The idea is to get a laugh, and therefore set this client apart from the other eye surgeons around town:
  12. J

    Hey, I have a conspiracy, please interprut it. HELP! Everybody! Creepy...!?

    First off, I am not crazy, I dont do drugs, I am a philosopher, A thinker. My mental health is fine. I have taken a few things into one achual conspiracy. Do you guys think their is a conspiracy to life? God, Jesus Christ are real. Satan is behind the conspiracy. Somthing big will happen in...
  13. P

    does anyone know about this creepy tv special?

    ok i remember this from several years ago, it might have even been like 10 years ago or more, i dont remember, but i saw this tv special, i think it was on pbs, and it had to do with someone literally putting puppy dog eyes into kids, i cant remember if it was an artist rendition or what, but it...
  14. A

    Who's more Creepy? Bea Arthur or Fred Rogers?

    Who do you think is more Creepy? both are pretty Scary in my opinion!
  15. L

    Why do i get a creepy vibe from him?

    i am 13 and the person i get a creepy vibe from is my dad idk why? i kind of feel guilty for it.please no mean or sarcastic comment. thanks
  16. P

    Advertisements in home recording? creepy!?

    So I was recording my voice on my computer and it worked fine but in the background you could hear advertisements, i only made one out talking about help for home foreclosures. I was creeped out at first but who knows what this is so any ideas?
  17. S

    Did anyone else think that Cindy was creepy during the memorial. What was Lee

    (weirdo) kissing on his hand? Lee promised Casey during a visit that he would keep THAT promise.
  18. W

    list of creepy and weird things on the internet?

    please help, i have seen all the things on Wikipedia that are weird and creepy but i want more, and don't give me this goetsie crap or gay @#$% like other people have given me i want other things.
  19. B

    does anyone else find this creepy?!! wtf?!?

    okay so some guy randomly texted me and knew my name and eveything and he said he just reads this stuff for basically he looks for girls on yahoo answers and messages them..fuckin wierd dude.. nilesh_kr11: hello britnee Nee Nee: who this? nilesh_kr11: a friend nilesh_kr11: lol Nee Nee...
  20. C

    How can a guy sweep you off your feet if you just met him without seeming creepy?

    and have him throw in that he loves you.