
  1. P

    this is a dirty joke do you think its funny?

    3 guys where given the death penalty a black guy a arab and a mexican they had two ways of dieing by a aids infection or the electric chair. first off was the black guy they asked him how do you want to die ? he said i want the electric chair. second was the arab they asked him how do you want...
  2. L

    Why does my dog become dirty leading up to a heat cycle?

    My dog is housetrained but without fail everytime she is coming up to a cycle she starts messing (both) in her crate and she gets covered in it and then needs to go in the bath! I havent had her spayed because of the complications when we had our male done but now Im thinking Im going to have...
  3. G

    Grey's Anatomy Redux: Seattle Grace Heats Up With Dirty Docs

    They weren't kidding with the "hot, dirty sex" were they? "Big risks yield big rewards" was the moral of this week's episode. As was, "knock before walking...
  4. S

    Boyfriend is always making dirty jokes?

    So my boyfriend was really nice and a total gentleman when we first started going out. But now it's like he is changing. He is ALWAYS making dirty jokes. The other day I asked him what he wanted to eat, and he said "you". He is always grabbing my ass and sliding his hand up my dress. The other...
  5. V

    My nintendo DSi gets dirty easily, does this occur to anyone else?

    (DSi Original) When I clean it and stuff and I play it, it gets all kinds of finger prints already...I was wondering if this happened to anybody else and If I should just leave it how it is ("dirty") and stop cleaning it. Thanks :)
  6. R

    Why do guys always say dirty jokes and are flirtatious around me?

    The same guys will act differently with other girls; they'll be more shy and reserved, etc. Just wondering... I'm pretty reserved myself, but I love to have a good time, laugh, etc. People have said that I'm coy. I've been told I look like Zoey Deschanel or Katy Perry, so I don't think it's...
  7. R

    Do guys like girls who have a dirty sense of humor? Like kind of talk and

    think perverted things like guys? Naturally, I have a dirty mind, so I been told by many guys and girls. Most people find me very entertaining, for I am very open and can be explicit. I just love laughing and having a good time, and I enjoy making others laugh and smile a lot. It's kind of...
  8. A

    Pac-12: Matt Barkley shalt not call Vontaze Burfict ‘a dirty player,’ or other mean n

    </p> I don't know if Matt Barkley believes in "karma," or whatever his version of it is called, but I do suspect he felt like something was out to get him last Saturday night: Just a few days after calling out Arizona State linebacker Vontaze Burfict as "a dirty player" in the Los Angeles...
  9. X

    Hard riddles? Or riddles that sound dirty but totally aren't?

    I need riddles that are funny but also difficult and are not stupid and pointless. Please include answers (:
  10. E

    What is the most dirty joke you know?

    trying to tell my boyfriend a dirty joke but i am having a mental block!!!!!!help and tell me the nastiest joke you know!
  11. A

    Surviving Oklahoma’s first big road test was a dirty job, but a real BCS frontrunner

    </p> Oklahoma 23, Florida State 13. The general obsession coming into this game, in this space and elsewhere, was almost entirely over how Florida State's defense would hold up against the prolific pace and production of Oklahoma's offense, and for good reason. The Sooners brought back almost...
  12. H

    Does my cat think im dirty ?

    I know this is a weird question but let me explain. Mercedes will get in the bed at night and act like she is cleaning my hair and face and she doesnt stop till i wake up and make her get down . Her tongue hurts . Why does she do this ?
  13. G

    CloudGate: Denialism Gets Dirty, Reputations Are At Stake

    There has been a major dust-up in the climate denialist world. A study published in late July made false claims and was methodologically flawed, but still managed to get published in a peer reviewed journal. The Editor-in-Chief of that journal has resigned to symbolically take responsibility...
  14. T

    Christine Boswell Presents: DIRT-y 30 & Beyond - Aug 25,2011

    A show about laughing at lif after 30! WE ARE BACK! Season 2 of "Christine Boswell Presents: DIRT-y 30 and Beyond" is filled with more topics, more opinions and more laughter! DIRT-y 30 and Beyond...Get the "DIRT!" Coming Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 9 p.m. ct., The DIRT-y 30 Theory of, "Does...
  15. G

    Rachel Zoe: Dirty Diapers Are Amazing?!

    Fashionista Rachel Zoe knows her trends. And according to her, the best accessory she's ever sported is her 4-month-old baby boy, Skyler. "He's everything. He's...
  16. T

    Initial: 'Dirty Hands' - Only One In Three Brits Wash Their Hands After Each Visit T

    With E.coli once again in the headlines, research by global hygiene experts, Initial, shows that only one in three Brits wash their hands after a visit to the toilet. As E.coli bacteria can spread from person to person by what is known as the 'faecal-oral' route, the transference possibilities...
  17. G

    Choice Moments: Scarlett Johansson & Sean Penn Reunite, Justin Timberlake Talks Dirty

    Choice Moments: Scarlett Johansson & Sean Penn Reunite, Justin Timberlake Talks Dirty It's nice to know that Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson are handling their breakup pretty well. At least that's what it seemed like last night at the taping of Spike TV's...
  18. A

    The Daily Mail plagiarizes Dirty Tackle

    </p> Plagiarism is never a fun subject, but when the world's most popular news website is the one doing it, something needs to be said. In a post about Shakira trying to teach several Barcelona players how to dance during her concert on Sunday night, I ended with a reference to our running...
  19. L

    This will have you laughing out loud!! There is not one dirty word in it, and...

    ...it is funny.? The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to use a surrogate father to start their family. On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife goodbye and said, Well, I'm off now; the man should be here soon. Half an hour later, just by chance, a...
  20. M

    Texting your boyfriend dirty things lol?

    So me and my bf have a wonderful sex life, now when hes at work we yext often, now im thinkin I want to try something crazy and text him at work pointing out i want to have some crazy sex , not in our house though, like somewhere else, like outside, in the car, or somewhere crazy, any ideas...