
  1. H

    How effective is a daily rigorous workout along with GNC multivitamins...

    ...maximum CLA, ON Protein and Hydroxycut? Hello. I gained a couple of pounds, actually 15 my first year of college. I was 155 and went to like 170. I hated it and had an epiphany and ever since then I have been extremely health concious. My diet consists of a maximum of 2000 calories consumed...
  2. S

    In Animal Farm Orwell criticizes man's inability to create an effective system of...

    ...government that? Which can please everyone. This often leads to a revolution and why do wars develope? this for s small research for my class thanks :)
  3. T

    2-Pronged Immune Response Offers Hope For Effective Salmonella Vaccine

    Research from Malawi, Birmingham and Liverpool has renewed hope that an effective vaccine could be developed against nontyphoidal strains of Salmonella. The work, funded by the Wellcome Trust and GlaxoSmithKline, suggests that the body's immune system could be primed to tackle even the most...
  4. R

    What's more effective, biking for 5 kilos, or 30 mins?

    I'm gonna go biking around my neighborhood (when the snow melts), it has a lot of hills. What would be more effective? Please and thanks<3 -Renniee.ox I'm going to go biking, 5-6 times a week, btw o_o hopping to loose atlease... 30 lbs before summer. :D (yes, I will be eating healthy too).
  5. T

    Queensland Researchers On The Hunt For Effective Malaria Drugs

    Researchers at Q-Pharm and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) will begin clinical trials to test the efficacy of current and potential antimalarial drugs using human volunteers. New ways are urgently needed to test emerging drugs and vaccines that have the potential to treat...
  6. T

    Queensland Researchers On The Hunt For Effective Malaria Drugs

    Researchers at Q-Pharm and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) will begin clinical trials to test the efficacy of current and potential antimalarial drugs using human volunteers. New ways are urgently needed to test emerging drugs and vaccines that have the potential to treat...
  7. T

    Queensland Researchers On The Hunt For Effective Malaria Drugs

    Researchers at Q-Pharm and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) will begin clinical trials to test the efficacy of current and potential antimalarial drugs using human volunteers. New ways are urgently needed to test emerging drugs and vaccines that have the potential to treat...
  8. J

    Is Ninjutsu a good or effective martial art??? Also some training DVD's maybe?

    Is Ninjutsu an effective self defense system??? Also is there any good training DVD's that you could recommend because I am nowhere near a dojo of quality!!! Trust me I've looked!!!
  9. M

    Study: Antidepressants most effective for severe depression

    [No message]
  10. W

    Nutrition experts only please. What is the max amount of EGCG to be effective?

    I was told to take over 400mg o ECCG for best results. I want to stack it with Cafine, what do you recomend?
  11. T

    Toviaz 8 Mg Was More Effective Than Detrol LA In Treating Urge Urinary Incontinence I

    Patients treated with Toviaz® (fesoterodine fumarate) 8 mg extended release tablets had greater and statistically significant reductions in urge urinary incontinence episodes at week 12 (P=0.017) compared with Detrol® LA (tolterodine tartrate extended release capsules) in a placebo-controlled...
  12. T

    Non-surgical Method For Diagnosing Breast Cancer Safe, Nearly As Effective As Surgica

    Some methods of minimally invasive biopsy for breast cancer are nearly as accurate as surgical biopsy but have much less risk of harms, according to a new report funded by HHS' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The report, prepared by the ECRI Institute's Evidence-based...
  13. M

    What safe effective thermogenics can I buy at GNC? And is Animal Pump a safe

    supplement? I'm trying to completely re-shape my body shape drastically before this summer ( 2010 ) so I want to maximize my work-outs and diet as much as I can with out all the nasty side effects. I'm already taking Amino Fuel Mega Mass. If you have an actual medical degree or you're a...
  14. M

    What is the most effective breathing technique in Buddhism?

    or other path?
  15. A

    What's the most easiest, effective way to Astral Travel?

    If you want, you can also give me a link to a good website. But what's the most easiest way to Astral Travel?
  16. P

    How do I write an effective introduction to an essay?

    I have an essay on Hamlet and all I need to know is the format for the opening paragraph.
  17. V

    A Totally Effective Porn Blocker

    It seems the minds behind The Tonight Show hosted by Conan O’Brien have struck a gold mine. Looks like they’ve come up with the perfect porn blocker. Watch the mock ad below.Looks good on paper. Someone put up a company to create this! Whoever decides to turn the Parent Porn Blocker will likely...
  18. M

    Surgical masks appear to be just as effective as N-95 respirators

    [No message]
  19. B

    Is Aikido an effective martial arts on its own?

    I feel compelled to share my own experience, since this question has been asked so often, but yet never properly answered. Is Aikido an effective martial arts on its own? Aikido was my first foray into martial arts or self-defense. Before Aikido, I had no prior experience, other than...
  20. Y

    HELP with effective rate of interest.?

    Find the effective rate of interest for a) 9% compounded semiannually b) 4% compounded semiannually