
  1. M

    Will this little emperor princeling go to a real jail this time for rape?

    Will public pressure be enough to convict this criminal son of a PLA general who earlier had beat-up a couple who were involved in a traffic accident with him? http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/27/us-china-trial-idUSBRE97Q10G20130827 China's spoiled princelings do not expect to go to...
  2. M

    Will this little emperor princeling go to a real jail this time for rape?

    Will public pressure be enough to convict this criminal son of a PLA general who earlier had beat-up a couple who were involved in a traffic accident with him? http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/27/us-china-trial-idUSBRE97Q10G20130827 China's spoiled princelings do not expect to go to...
  3. G

    This Is a Work Station Fit For an Emperor

    This, as you might be able to tell, is no normal desk set-up. Designed to provide the ultimate in both comfort and productivity, we introduce to you the MWE Lab Emperor 1510 LX work station—and if you have to ask how much it costs, you probably can't afford it. Read more...
  4. D

    Did the Emperor Titus fulfill all of Jesus' "Son of Man" prophecies?

    He prophesied that during the Son of Man’s visitation Galilean towns would be destroyed, Jerusalem would be encircled with a wall, and the Temple would be razed. Remember these "prophecies" were written after these events had already transpired in 73AD, or one generation (40 years) after the...
  5. J

    How to make an essay about Kangxi emperor more interesting?

    Hello, I'm going to write an essay about Kangxi emperor of Qing Dynasty of China and his sons. I've done several research about this period in history due to my interest in them. Although I think Kangxi and his sons' story is very intriguing, I'm afraid that others might not think so (eg. my...
  6. R

    DERP! if an emperor runs an empire and a king runs a kingdom who runs a country?

  7. Y

    Say you were the Emperor of a certain infinite region of space-time, would you...

    ...trust eHarmony to set you up? You know what you want.
  8. D

    If you were randomly chosen to visit the emperor of Japan, would you...

    ...customarily bow back to him in greeting? Or would you insult an entire country by extending your arm to your host?
  9. V

    Name for an emperor in my story!!!!!PLS!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I need a name for an emperor in this fictional country. it has to sound like japanese.
  10. I

    have you ever met roger penrose; author of the emperor's new mind?

    how was he? was he 'snooty' and 'high brow'? my professor [who hold's a doctorate in physics] attended one of his lectures recently and after the lecture he went up to penrose, to congratulate him on this great lecture. and he say's penrose seemed bothered by his presence. i admit, i dont...
  11. 2

    my forbidden face vs. when the emperor was divine?

    there both great books but i need to write a comparison paper on the two this is the format... I. Physical a. txt 1 b. txt 2 II. Psychological a. txt 1 b. txt 2 III. Emotional a. txt 1 b. txt 2
  12. A

    Who would win: Cobalt Blue Tarantula or an Emperor Scorpion?

    Me and my cousin are having a debate. I think the tarantula would win because it is more aggressive. The question with the best description gets 10 points.
  13. N

    History Trivia- Which Emperor said these words ?

    "I am the Emperor and above grammar."
  14. T

    darth vader vs the emperor?

    who would win
  15. D

    Where can i order an Emperor Scorpion?

    I wish to purchase one, i do not plan on handling it much, but i just wish to know where i can purchase a fairly large one (not to big just big enough). And if its possible, can you supply the food they eat and how to handle them? And how often they need to be fed? thanks.
  16. D

    Where can i order an Emperor Scorpion?

    I wish to purchase one, i do not plan on handling it much, but i just wish to know where i can purchase a fairly large one (not to big just big enough). And if its possible, can you supply the food they eat and how to handle them? And how often they need to be fed? thanks.
  17. G

    Emperor 1510 Provides Cheaper Death Star Workstation Experience [Emperor Workstation]

    Remember the Emperor 200 workstation? All $40,000 of it? Well there's a cheaper version coming soon. Emphasis on the "er" because even if we're billing this new one as a budget offering, it certainly isn't cheap. This new model is called the Emperor 1510. For $4,950, you get about the same...
  18. H

    Any one had any experiance with the emperor angelfish?

    This is my favorite fish ever but I want to hear what people say about them? Thx!
  19. G

    The Mummy Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor PAL Wii-WiiERD

    Category: Console-Wii Size: 4.96 GB Files: 111 (15 pars) Group: a.b.games.wii .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed March 4th 18:37:21 UTC Download NZB
  20. M

    why is the movie "The Emperor's Club" entitled as the emperor's club?

    help me please!!..it's our assignment in school