
  1. E

    Do puppies need routine feeding or can I constantly leave the food dish out?

    I know adult dogs need to be fed twice a day at specific hours but I haven't had a puppy in a very very long time so I don't recall. My guess is that at that age the dog needs to be constantly eating to grow, put on a bit of fat but I just needed to make sure
  2. G

    uh... Breast Feeding?

    Although i dont have any kids, i have been really thinking about them, and wanting one.. im not sure whats up with me lately. Also, i had a dream the other night that i was breast feeding a child (im assuming was mine) (i do plan to breast feed) and ever since that dream i've just wanted a baby...
  3. P

    Christians: What is the link among the yeast of the Pharisees, the feeding of...

    ...5000 and the feeding of 3000? Oops I meant 4000, not 3000.
  4. P

    Leopard Gecko feeding...?

    what does it mean when they say "gut loading" their food??
  5. T

    Report Examines Infant, Child Feeding Practices In 33 Countries

    A report (.pdf), released Wednesday, on breastfeeding practices in 33 countries found that out of 78 million infants born each year, about 42 million do not receive an optimal amount of breastfeeding, IANS/Sify News reports (12/22). For the report, national groups in 33 countries conducted...
  6. M

    What are some tips for bottle feeding my pups?

    My dog just came down with eclampsia so I ended up taking her to he emergency clinic and they told me that i'd have to start hand feeding & rearing the pups. They told me some things but didn't mention how to get them to actually drink from the bottle (didn't think it was going to be this...
  7. J

    Have you ever felt that someone is force feeding you their religion?

    I just want to know the situation and how you handled it. Things big and small. Share your thoughts.
  8. J

    Have you ever felt that someone is force feeding you their religion?

    I just want to know the situation and how you handled it. Things big and small. Share your thoughts.
  9. J

    Have you ever felt that someone is force feeding you their religion?

    I just want to know the situation and how you handled it. Things big and small. Share your thoughts.
  10. J

    Have you ever felt that someone is force feeding you their religion?

    I just want to know the situation and how you handled it. Things big and small. Share your thoughts.
  11. J

    Have you ever felt that someone is force feeding you their religion?

    I just want to know the situation and how you handled it. Things big and small. Share your thoughts.
  12. J

    Feeding fresh water fish salt water foods?

    Just wondering if their are any long term disadvantages to feeding freshwater fish saltwater foods like brine shrimp?
  13. T

    I have a 5 month old pit bull and I have been feeding him blue buffalo dog food.?

    Should I give him a multivitamin?
  14. M

    Feeding a bearded dragon?

    Hi my baby bearded dragon is called Lenny the lizard and I have had him for just over a week. He has been eating size 4 crickets and vegetables he has never left any food uneaten (even his vegetables). His vegetables have been manly carrot but I was wondering what over fruit and vegtables are...
  15. A

    Feeding fish anything other than flakes/pellets? Opinions please!?

    This is more for opinion. I looked more at the ingredients of fish food (after thinking maybe my beta had constipation, etc) and I know just how bad it is, such as wheat and all these preservatives. Blah! So I started to feed my livebearers and bettas dried brine shrimp and blood worms (soaked...
  16. M

    What was your feeding routine when you introduced solids to your baby?

    I have a soon-to-be 5 month old son and hubby and I are feeding 6oz of formula every 3 - 4 hours and some pureed solids after feeds. (since 3 months 2 weeks) My question to you guys is,,,, How did you go about introducing solids to your little one and what was your routine when feeding it to...
  17. T

    Freerice 2.0: Feeding Minds While Feeding The Hungry

    Does the word arundinaceous mean long and thin or someone who talks too much? Is an aleconner a beer-taster or a kind of bird? Does scunner mean deep dislike or something you'd find on a boat? Questions like these have stumped millions of people across the globe since 2007, when Freerice.com...
  18. P

    how much should i be feeding my 7 week old lab?

    I was told to give her 4 meals a day each being an average handfull each time , is this too much as i dont want to overfeed her. I am using alph pet food and she seems to be healthy.
  19. C

    am i over feeding my red eyed slider?

    i feed it liek 5 small goldfish or minnows a day, like 5 pellets,and like 5 worms is that to much for a turtle daily?
  20. K

    Raw feeding - Whole rabbit and whole chickens is that enough nutrition for a dog?

    Im planning on raising chickens and rabbits for meat. Hes an American Bulldog so I will be stick to the 2-3% of food but is Rabbit, chicken, their insides and occasionally store bought fresh fish. Is this enough for his meals? Or do I need to buy other foods?