
  1. A

    Feeding my fish. ( WHY DOES THIS NEED TO BE 20 CHARACTERS LONG?!?!?!?!)?

    I have a 25 gallon aquarium with only 4 black skirt tetras in it right now. (it went through a period of neglect for a year or so) I am planning on getting some more larger tetras soon and an Angelfish. (I have done my research on which big tetras will NOT nip at the fins) The question I have...
  2. S

    Looking to start raw feeding?

    I'm thinking about switching to raw feeding for my 4 dogs. I've tried to do the research, but I'm having trouble finding a good place to start. There is a TON of information out there, and I find a lot of conflicting info. Veggies or no veggies? rice or no rice? What are the potential...
  3. S

    Looking to start raw feeding?

    I'm thinking about switching to raw feeding for my 4 dogs. I've tried to do the research, but I'm having trouble finding a good place to start. There is a TON of information out there, and I find a lot of conflicting info. Veggies or no veggies? rice or no rice? What are the potential...
  4. S

    Looking to start raw feeding?

    I'm thinking about switching to raw feeding for my 4 dogs. I've tried to do the research, but I'm having trouble finding a good place to start. There is a TON of information out there, and I find a lot of conflicting info. Veggies or no veggies? rice or no rice? What are the potential...
  5. T

    Agency Reminds Parents Of Advice On Feeding Honey To Babies, UK

    The Food Standards Agency is reminding parents not to feed honey to babies who are under a year old. This follows a confirmed case of the rare but serious illness, infant botulism. There have been only 11 confirmed cases of infant botulism in the past 30 years, but three of these have occurred...
  6. S

    Feeding bottom feeders.?

    i am feeding my community tank 1/4 of a food block every 2 days, i have 30 neon tetra, 3 ram cichlids, 6 kuhli loach 2 starlight bristlenose and 10 shrimp. i am not sure how to feed my bottom feeders as when i drop in a sinker pellets the other fish try and eat them and my bottom feeders seem...
  7. K

    i just got 6 harlequin tetras... feeding question?

    they seem very happy so far, enjoying swimming into the bubbles of the filter. but i just got them today, and the woman at the aquarium said i shouldn't feed them today, but tomorrow when they have settled in further. i got flake food for them, but im wondering how many flakes should i put in...
  8. K

    i just got 6 harlequin tetras... feeding question?

    they seem very happy so far, enjoying swimming into the bubbles of the filter. but i just got them today, and the woman at the aquarium said i shouldn't feed them today, but tomorrow when they have settled in further. i got flake food for them, but im wondering how many flakes should i put in...
  9. H

    Not getting on with raw feeding my dog. Same benefit if cooked?

    Hi, I've been persevering with raw feeding my dog for some weeks but it is not a success. He will eat the bare minimum when he's really hungry, looks miserable and has lost weight. He's also started trying to eat dog poo and steal food. I've been giving him chicken breasts and minced meat and...
  10. M

    Feeding kids' need for lessons on money

    [No message]
  11. A

    Are you supposed to cook canned (wet) dog food before feeding your dog?

    I gave a stray/lost puppy that had been hanging around my door all day some wet food. The can said it had ground beef. It smelled normal, but it looked kinda pinkish. The picture on the can showed a more browned (cooked-looking) dog meal. It didn't say anything on the can about cooking it before...
  12. T

    Endocannabinoid Modulation Of Tongue Sweet Taste Receptors May Help Control Feeding B

    New findings from the Monell Center and Kyushu University in Japan report that endocannabinoids act directly on taste receptors on the tongue to enhance sweet taste. "Our taste cells may be more involved in regulating our appetites than we had previously known," said study author Robert...
  13. M

    how can i introduce bottle feeding instead of breastfeeding to my 1 yr old baby?

    im starting to work but my problem is my son is breastfeeding with me , what will i do to introduce in milk bottle feeding mi
  14. R

    Breast feeding outdoors?

    I breastfeed and when I do it in public people stare at me like Im crazy or something. I have one of the breastfeeding shall things so its not like my boobs out saying hello to the world but they act like it is. Do other moms get ugly looks when they feed outside the home?
  15. R

    Breast feeding outdoors?

    I breastfeed and when I do it in public people stare at me like Im crazy or something. I have one of the breastfeeding shall things so its not like my boobs out saying hello to the world but they act like it is. Do other moms get ugly looks when they feed outside the home?
  16. T

    You know that Google gadget with feeding the fish in the pond?

    can i get that gadget for myspace, or is there a similar one out there that i can put on my profile? best answer=10 POINTS!!! -thanx
  17. T

    You know that Google gadget with feeding the fish in the pond?

    can i get that gadget for myspace, or is there a similar one out there that i can put on my profile? best answer=10 POINTS!!! -thanx
  18. T

    You know that Google gadget with feeding the fish in the pond?

    can i get that gadget for myspace, or is there a similar one out there that i can put on my profile? best answer=10 POINTS!!! -thanx
  19. R

    What points should i discuss on my Persuasive Speech for Breast Feeding?

    I know i should mention : The finances for formula, Breast infections, and How Breast feeding gives off a lot of nutrients
  20. C

    Betta fish vacation feeding?

    I'm going on a weekend vacation in the morning. And I only remembered that someone would need to feed my betta fish this night. If I can't find someone to feed him I have two options. Give him a larger portion of food just before I leave and hope he is okay when I come home 1.5 days later. (I...