
  1. S

    My fishes are dying in the aquarium tank.?

    1 week back i bought 10 gallon of fish tank[12x24]. the following are the fishes i kept in the fish tank: 1) silver tip shark of medium size[2] 2)rainbow tip shark of small size[2] 3)albino rainbow shark of medium size[2] 4)albino catfish shark of medium size[2] 5)angel fishes of medium size[2]...
  2. M

    how many fishes can in grow in a middium size tank?

    i want to know how many and which type of fish can i grow in a middum size tank...... n is there any fish aquarium shop near sirguppa(karnataka)
  3. T

    my fishes eyes are GONE!!?

    ok so i have 5 fish and i think they where picking on my algae eater he is pretty big and i thought he could handle himself but i think they ate his eyes and its really creepy and i dont know what to do i have a second tank he can have 4 a home but is he gonna make can see in his body i...
  4. J

    Christians: Do insects, birds, animals, fishes go to Heaven or Hell?

    Or this whole concept is for Human Beings? And if they don't then it means that they have no souls. As scientists and atheists believe for us Humans and other creatures. @Shaytaan Hater - Who told you that animals don't have a free-will???!!!
  5. A

    how many and which kind of fishes can i put in 5 gallon tank?

    i like tetra,guppies but also tell some kind of good fishes in this tank. tell an other type of fishes but give information about these also.i am a beginner and i don't know more about an aquarium and all about it.
  6. T

    Does young Flower Horn eat dead fishes?

    So i have a young flower horn about 2 inches in length. She lives alone in a 3 gallon tank. Last night i wanted to feed her some alive fishes and so i added 8 small guppy fishes. And what i watched was that my Flower horn killed all the 8 fishes but didn't eat any of them. so this morning i...
  7. M

    Do Air Swimmers soar with the eagles or sleep with the fishes?

    [No message]
  8. C

    how long does tropical fishes live?

    just curious!!
  9. D

    what are freshwater fishes night time light requirements?

    should it be completely dark? a little bit of white light? a night light? blue moonlights lights? what?
  10. L

    Rango? What's the toy fishes name READ DESCRIPTION for?

    Saw the movie didn't remember the fishes name and at the end what happened to the turtle? He get eaten shot I only saw the snake take him away.
  11. L

    Rango? What's the toy fishes name READ DESCRIPTION for?

    Saw the movie didn't remember the fishes name and at the end what happened to the turtle? He get eaten shot I only saw the snake take him away.
  12. J

    through what body region of fishes is the pituitary hormone introduced to initiate

    maturation of eggs? fishes with scales must have specific regions through which the hormones that stimulate egg maturation is introduced / injected in artificial breeding
  13. K

    fishes for tropical aquarium?

    I already have my 50gallons tank. But I still dont have any fishes. I want to have an aquarium with plenty of different fishes. What tropical fishes can you suggest? Thanks!
  14. O

    is there too many cuttle fishes in this they kill this fish to

    get its bone and will this fish get..? extinct
  15. T

    Will a fishes fins grow back?

    My cichlid chewed off the two front fins of my shark and now he can't swim right. Will they grow back? Also, what can I do about his cloudy eyes?
  16. S

    fish newbie seeking imeadite help!!!!what's up with my fishes?

    so, i just set up my tank today. i went out early and got almost everything i was sure i needed for my dinos . i got a 5 gallon tank, gravel, a heater, a filter, plants, a littlt cave/rock thing, and then i set it all up at home, got the heater running and then headed out around 5:30 to get fish...
  17. S

    is there any documentary video about freshwater fishes?

    name any documentary video of tropical fishes by Discovery channel, BBC or any. ...PLEASE
  18. M

    Will any of these fishes likely eat Planaria worms?

    Penguin Tetra Dennison Barb Pictus Cat Featherfin Pleco dwarf Gourami Pearl Gourami Caliko Pleco
  19. W

    What were the earliest fishes called?

    Evidence from the fossil record is used to help estimate when ancient organisms evolved. What were the earliest fishes called? A. acanthodians B. Agnathans C. Thecodonts D. Therapsids Thanks all
  20. W

    What were the earliest fishes called?

    Evidence from the fossil record is used to help estimate when ancient organisms evolved. What were the earliest fishes called? A. acanthodians B. Agnathans C. Thecodonts D. Therapsids Thanks all