
  1. T

    Treatable Weakness In Lethal Form Of Prostate Cancer Identified

    A recent report in Cancer Discovery, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, suggests that a new treatment may be on the horizon for neuroendocrine prostate cancers, the most lethal subtype of this disease. Mark Rubin, M.D., professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at...
  2. H

    how to downgrade iphone 4 form 4.3.5 to 4.3.3?

    i have bymistake upgrade iphone 4 with 4.3.5 so im stuck up with it so please suggest how to downgrade it
  3. R

    Can we say our central heating works on the property info form for selling a house?

    On the UK property information form for a house sale there is a question that asks if the central heating system is in good working order. Our solicitor has altered our reply from "yes" to "not known", as she says our answer implies a guarantee and warranty to the buyers, and therefore it is...
  4. X

    Is kaname like crazy now, form vampire knight manga?

    Well he killing a lot of vampires and also he left yuki, soo is he evil? I hope he is zero still head over heels for yuki they belong to together.
  5. X

    Is kaname like crazy now, form vampire knight manga?

    Well he killing a lot of vampires and also he left yuki, soo is he evil? I hope he is zero still head over heels for yuki they belong to together.
  6. J

    Should i take my laptop or iPad to 6th Form everyday or do i even need it?

    I am going into 6th form as of next september. I am taking English Language, History, Geography and Religious Studies. Will i need to take in computer at all everyday for these subjects for note taking, research, etc.? If so then should I take my laptop, which obviously is bigger and heavier but...
  7. C

    Buy or Sell: King Gizmo is an annoying cunt who can't form his own opinion?

    Just wondering, what exactly do you think is my actual account? I assure you this is my only account. I made this question after I saw King Gizmo copy someone else's answer on multiple occasions. I wanted to see if anyone else feels the same way, that is all.
  8. M

    I need some form of Indian food recipes?

    My friends birthday is coming up, and I want to make her a birthday dinner. she told me shes really into Indian food these days. Sooo, i gotta fined some good recipes. does anyone have any recipes? or maybe names of some foods that i can google?
  9. S

    Tai Chi form for Muay Thai boxing?

    Does anyone know if there is a specific Tai Chi form, that is used in conjunction with Muay Tai Boxing. If not, could anyone recommend one that would compliment it better than others maybe... Thanks.... PS How do you thank people for there great responses ?. This is the second question I have...
  10. S

    Tai Chi form for Muay Thai boxing?

    Does anyone know if there is a specific Tai Chi form, that is used in conjunction with Muay Tai Boxing. If not, could anyone recommend one that would compliment it better than others maybe... Thanks.... PS How do you thank people for there great responses ?. This is the second question I have...
  11. A

    Spartans brandish the dagger for Wisconsin’s perfect season, in Hail Mary form

    Michigan State 37, Wisconsin 31. If you're scoring the evening's main event from home, go ahead and call the heavyweight slugfest between Wisconsin's balanced, high-scoring offense and Michigan State's suffocating, nasty defense a draw. The Spartans hounded and hit Wisconsin quarterback Russell...
  12. T

    Sixth Form Students Learn Research Skills To Take Part In Key Study Into Childhood Ob

    Sixth form students at eleven secondary schools across the Midlands are being taught research skills so they can help to gather and analyse data as part of a major study into childhood obesity. The study is being funded by children's charity Action Medical Research. The sixth form students are...
  13. L

    I need a recipe for Caramels from scratch without any form of corn syrup?

    I know most if not all commercially made caramels are made with high fructose corn syrup, I want to make them without corn syrup at all. I have an allergy to corn so I want to make them without any corn, and preferably organic.
  14. Y

    Are religious experiences a form of temporal lobe epilepsy!?

    With an apparatus dubbed 'God-Helmet' (generates weak fluctuating magnetic fields), neuro-science professor Michael Persinger showed that about 80 percent of his participants experienced a presence beside them in the room, which ranges from a simple 'sensed presence' to visions of "god"...
  15. J

    Solve and type in a different form by using the given theorems of

    logarithms. log N3 =? solve and explain the top question and these questions. log 5 + log 2 = log(10/y)= log[10](m/n) log[10]M^k = log[10] MN = log N^3 =
  16. S

    how i change friends form chat?

    i when't to change friends form my chat
  17. K

    Does duplicating the name of the image on the page in the form of...

    ..."word1-word2-word3-word4-word5" nad ALT text? Does a duplicating the name of the image on the page in the form of "word1-word2-word3" and ALT text for the image in the form of the same..."word1-word2-word3" is affecting SEO and how many words is good to put? Is there some restriction for the...
  18. L

    As Socrates argues for censorship he describes form and content of music....

    ...What is this distinction? Can this be translated in terms of our contemporary culture?
  19. J

    Can you be addicted to nicotine form secondhand smoke?

    I have never smoked a cigarette in my life, however when i was a child from kindergarten to about fifth grade i was baby-sat everyday, all day in a smoke filled trailer, because my grandma was a smoker. Now, i find myself craving cigarettes even though i have never smoked a cigarette myself. i...
  20. A

    why can't I send pictures form my cell phone to my yahoo mail? When I

    look in my email its not there.? I have At&t galaxy mobil phone.