
  1. M

    Christians, much is made of vague prophecy fulfilled, what of specific

    prophecy that was not fulfilled? Destruction of Tyre For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people. He shall slay with the sword thy...
  2. D

    Is this a Prophecy being fulfilled - as we speak, today - from the Scriptures?

    [Isaiah 17:1] " The burden of Damascus: "Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it will be a RUINOUS HEAP." Mark Woods - So, Prophecies only deal with geographic disasters for you? Blaise Rascal - you mean, you wish you were like him, don't you? He died a few years back though...
  3. I

    Has this Old Testament prophecy been fulfilled after a generation of failed,

    Republican economics? "He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich--both come to poverty."- Proverbs 22:16
  4. W

    Atheists: How do you explain the fact that Jesus perfectly fulfilled 425 prophecies

    in the Old Testament? 400-500 year gap. BQ: Can an atheist answer this question without asking a sarcastic question? .
  5. N

    Jesus/God fulfilled over 300 messianic prophecies from the Old Testament,...

    ...what are the odds someone else will? Just answer my question. And I don't want to hear the usual antigentilist bigotry. You understand me you mossad agents who constantly sweep the internet bashing rightful resistance to judeo-communism?
  6. S

    Why are there only 256,492 fulfilled prophecies in the Bible?

    If Bubble was writ by an Infinite God, it would have infinitely many fulfilled prophecies. But the number of fulfilled prophecies is finite. Therefore God is not the author of Bubble. Hah I have dismantled Chrestusianism with elementary set theory.
  7. G

    In Deuteronomy 33:2, Muhammad fulfilled Prophecy. Did you know this?

    The description of God is given in a metephor of a sun which rises. In the verses, Mt. Sinai and Moses represent the dawn Mt. Seir and the brightness represented Christ Mt. Paran, which is in Arabia, represents the sun at it's height for everyone to...
  8. K

    Valos, want a prophecy that's REALLY been fulfilled?

    You're a funny guy! You asked for a prophcy that's been fulfilled. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111112094915AA9Iwpl Out of all the good, serious answers you got, you really picked a WINNER! I think you and Lance ( the guy you chose for Best Answer) should like this one...
  9. V

    Christians, can you give me a bible prophecy that was fulfilled?

    It cannot be vague, a close call or unintentional. It must be exact or near exact. You guys are completely missing the point. You're using bible evidence to point out more things that were only mentioned in the Bible. You're not giving me anything I've actually seen, or have knowledge of beyond...
  10. J

    Christians keep saying Jesus hasn't fulfilled masonic prophecy because he is going

    to do all that when he? comes back, but their book says the world is going to end when he comes back instead of bringing world peace like the messiah is supposed to do. So what the hell are these people worshiping?
  11. S

    How many fulfilled prophecies are found in The Origin of the SPecies?

    Maybe he should have celled it Origin of the Theory
  12. J

    is israel and palestine becoming one again is one of the fulfilled prophecies of...

    ...the second coming of christ? is israel and palestine becoming one again is one of the fulfilled prophecies of the second coming of christ.
  13. S

    How many so called 'biblical fulfilled prophecy's' are just coincidence?

    Like the one where it said that Israel would return as a nation. That had a lot of bible thumpers spooked, and it probably even excited some of them, eager and nihilistic as they are to see the end of days. But surely that was either inevitable or a self fulfilled prophecy. The bible said that...
  14. L

    Name some Old Testament Bible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ?

  15. E

    Atheists!!! Why do you ignore all the millions of fulfilled prophecies

    as witnessed by history and archaeology? There is no way around this one. The prophets predicted the downfall of entire cities and civilizations...sure, it was a war-torn region, anyway, but I don't care! Hit me with your best shot, unbelievers!
  16. S

    Prophecy not fulfilled. Why am I not a spiritual leader yet?

    In high school my girlfriend took me to a Pentcostal church she attended. There were two ministers leading the service. While preaching, one started speaking in tongues. The other had the gift of interpretation and said someone was to receive a prophecy. The minister speaking in tongues came...
  17. Z

    stories of prophecies in the bible, being fulfilled in later stories in the

    bible... why am i not convinced? @Bob : if you dont like my question, dont respond @wha happened : then why shouldnt i follow other religions that say the exact same thing?
  18. J

    Is answered prayer and fulfilled prophecy only unique to Christianity?

    Does unanswered prayer prove God does not exist? Does unfulfilled prophecy prove God does not exist? If so, how do you reconcile answered prayer and historical fulfilled biblical prophecy? http://www.evangelize.com.au/Articles/Prophesy%20-%20the%20Bible%20and%20Jesus.htm
  19. R

    Christian's, what prophecies have been fulfilled?

    That the Bible foretells? I hear this often. Are they incredibly vague? Weak so far.
  20. M

    Do you believe that Jesus is the savior because he fulfilled the prophecies?

    in other words, why do you believe that Jesus is the savior? Is it because the Bible says so? Dear Gutbucket, if you find it hard to answer a question, please refrain from speaking ********.