
  1. T

    3D tissue grown using cell phone tech

    Researchers have taken technology from makers of mobile phones and other consumer electronics and used it to grow 3D tissue. Scientists at the Draper Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a prototype using an automated "layer-by-layer" assembly method -...
  2. M

    Where to download grown ups 2?

    Where can i download it?
  3. T

    How long does it take for a cannabis plant to be grown outdoors in the UK?

    I recently moved house and have uncovered a mysterious plant in the garden which turns out to be a cannabis plant! It seems to be quite healthy although I am very surprised it has been grown where it has as it is slightly shaded underneath a tree! I was just wondering how long do these things...
  4. K

    how to get d 3 pets mingle with each other?? 2 baby pugs and 1 full grown labre?

    i have 3 dogs in total out of which 2 baby pugs and 1 labrador...when i get d 2 pugs in reach of d labre..they just dont let the labre to settle anywhere and in turn he gets irritated and is beaing to get the three of them get mingled to each other?????? please help
  5. C

    are there any pictures of eminem with his daughter grown up?

    i have yet to see any pictures of marshal mathers (eminem) with his daughter hailie was wondering if there were any
  6. T

    Implanted Neurons, Grown In The Lab, Take Charge Of Brain Circuitry

    Among the many hurdles to be cleared before human embryonic stem cells can achieve their therapeutic potential is determining whether or not transplanted cells can functionally integrate into target organs or tissues. Writing today (Monday, Nov. 21) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of...
  7. T

    Is it silly for a grown man to hunt with a slingshot?

    If you see a grown man in the woods trying to flick at quails, would you see him as a serious hunter or a mennace?
  8. O

    im 13 and i used to smoke 1 -3 cigarettes a day and havent grown much since...

    ...could this have stunted my growth? i was smoking because of depression ive had alot of problems with social services recently ANSWERS PLZ i only did this for a few months i might just be paranoid but i would like an answer
  9. S

    Rugrats All Grown Up: What would it be like if Chuckie had a crush on Lil and asked

    her out? Or Dil? Then Tommy goes out with Kimmie? Or Phil could go out with Kimmie? And Angelica never gets asked on dates? *evil laugh*
  10. A

    Why do mothers gossip about their grown children, even after we've begged her to

    stop for the last 15 years? if I tell her something, then say, "I'm begging you - please don't tell anyone, it's embarrassing." and two hours later my dad said, "well, she told everyone at dinner." (to a large group of relatives at a restaurant). For 15 years I've stopped telling her...
  11. A

    I need to cook a complete meal for a bear? What do full grown bears eat?

    @Kodiak : I hope you know from where this question's coming :)
  12. S

    my crimson rosella has grown his feathers ok but now seem to have more grey...

    ...than feathers hes eating fine? and seems happy but has so much grey down has anyone any answers thanks
  13. G

    Our home grown racists show up at town hall to protest bedroom-community terrorists

    Plymouth, Minnesota plays a fairly important role in my life. It is a big suburb to the west of Minneapolis, a mainly liberal or progressive middle class bedroom community linked to first ring extra-urban commercial development based mainly on corn. Kellogs, Cargill, Mosaic, other companies...
  14. S

    Are you worried we are going to have a home grown right wing terrorist...

    ...attack like Norway? Do you think the possibility is increasing?
  15. F

    Can a full grown cat survive in the wild?

    My girlfriend is moving to the East coast for college, but she can't take her cat with her. The cat's name is Slinky and she really adores it, so I grudgingly agreed to take care of it for her. Here's the problem: this cat has the most raspy meow I've ever heard, and it coughs all the time. On...
  16. T

    If the drug "Shrooms" were legal, could they be mass produced and grown just as...

    If the drug "Shrooms" were legal, could they be mass produced and grown just as... as cooking mushrooms? I was wondering if hallucinogenic "shrooms" (for example, psyilocybe cubensis or other species) could be grown just as fast as cooking mushrooms (like portobello, shiitake, agaricus)...
  17. F

    Why do grown kids argue with moms before they move out?

    My son is 20. He's due to move out on the 10th. All we do is argue.
  18. P

    My rant on All Grown Up?

    The Rugrats should've stayed original, and No All Grown Up. My review to All grown Up, First of all, All Grown Up is NOT the REAL Rugrats. The REAL Rugrats is the original Rugrats (the Rugrats doing their baby adventures). The REAL Rugrats is the Rugrats doing some baby adventures. We didn't...
  19. T

    The powers of the President have grown over the last 100 years. Do you think

    this trend will continue? The powers of the President have grown over the last 100 years. Do you think this trend will continue into the future? Giving two specific examples as to what you think the future will hold when it comes to the power of the President.
  20. S

    If I have grown my hair out almost long enough to do this.....I want to have

    the same hair style as....? If I have grown my hair out almost long enough to do this.....I want to have the same hair style as justin bieber and also like kendall from big time rush ya know? There kind of similar ya know? So yeah if I wanna cut it that way like on the sides and stuff what...