
  1. L

    Which desk suits the style of the living room (10 points most helpful answer)?

    We are trying to decide which style of living room to go with but for now we need to get a desk urgently. Which desk fits Room A / B? A. 1. 2,
  2. D

    Helpful methods to quit tobacco use?

    Im 17 (turning 18 very soon) and ive been smoking for about a year and a half and i will occasionally use dip if offered to me. Being that i am going to turn 18 soon I want to use tobacco on occasions but not everyday because once i have the ability to legally but it I know that i will probably...
  3. L

    SO i need some helpful Advice... Im looking into getting an Acura TL

    2004-2005 or an Infiniti G35 2004-2006? As far as looks go im not concerned. What im more concerned about is which car is more reliable and give me less problems mechanically, with Great care and keeping up with maintenance, im sure i shouldnt have any problems, but which car is less likely to...
  4. Y

    GIRLS,ways i can improve myself,skin & hair style?(Tips & advice would be helpful)?

    GIRLS,ways i can improve myself,skin & hair style?(Tips & advice would be helpful)? Should i change my hair style & how to improve my skin & other ways i can improve myself How can i improve myself please help.Honestly Am i ugly,average,cute,attractive or good looking? ways i can improve...
  5. D

    Java quiz please help best answer for most helpful and most correct?

    1. Complete this coding so that it prints the number 20. double [ ] d = {30, 25, 20, 15}; System.out.println ( ________________ ); d[1] d[2] d[3] d[20] 2. Complete this coding to create a new array of doubles containing 100 values. double [ ] item = ________________ ; 3. Complete...
  6. A

    I am having a problem playing DVD's in my Xbox. Is there any helpful

    info you can provide? I just recently moved into the world of modern technology. Last week I bough a 42" hd flat screen. All I have is an xbox for playing dvd's. When I play games it works perfect, but when I try to put a dvd in, the tv screen flashes and goes black. Does anyone know anything...
  7. H

    helpful iphone apps for student pilots?

    are there any?
  8. A

    When was your ability to laugh helpful getting through a difficult situation?

    Just a question for everyone that would like to answer this. I'm looking forward to reading your postings. Thanks.
  9. A

    sky childrens program.anyne know of a 'little, white, helpful truck'?

    my 3yr old son channel flicked and watched a program about a 'little helpful truck' that was white with a bit of blue on it. the truck help his friend, an ice cream truck to make some more ice cream. i dont know what the name is,what side it was on or what time it was on(,it was on a few days...
  10. G

    Proof That There Is Such Thing As an Extremely Nice and Helpful TSA Agent [Tsa]

    Was it rude of me to assume that all TSA agents were baby eating, power tripping assholes who were put on earth to make your life miserable? Whoops! Turns out they're not all like that. In fact, some of them can even be extremely helpful and go beyond the call of duty to make your life easier...
  11. T

    Arguing the American Revolution (British side), anyone from the UK would be helpful?

    Thursday afternoon we're having a debate in my American History I class on the American Revolution. I am on the British side, but I can't figure out any British points on the American Revolution except that taxes were necessary to pay for the costly Seven Year's War agents France. What else...
  12. A

    Blackberry bold problems; anyone helpful?

    Okay, first of all, don't comment if you can't help. Like i said, my blackberry is prepaid. i use to have a sidekick lx but i put my simcard in my bold. It was working fine, i took a picture, and since its prepaid, i don't use regular facebook, i go on youtude, then go on facebook, but when i...
  13. P

    What are some helpful Android apps?

    Preferably free, and speeds up my smartphone.
  14. A

    Help with what this means? 10 points for helpful descriptions?

    So I had a dream in two parts. The first part I was walking in a lot of snow over a giant hill. I think I starved, and I was dying, when two guys appeared. Instead of helping me, they fed me DMT (dream chemical in the brain) to try to "send me peacefully into the other world." After two weeks, I...
  15. R

    What is a helpful website for the basics of car audio?

    I am somwhat familiar with car audio, I installed one in my first car, but it was a big thumping system that I bought only for the "cool" factor. Now that I am a little older, I want to install something affordable that has great clarity, crisp highs, deep bass, midrange etc etc. Not just loud...
  16. S

    Anybody tells me which search engine software is helpful to optimization my website?

    i want to optimization my site. but i dont know which search engine software is good for optimization.
  17. S

    HELPFUL advice on my relationship!?

    I have been dating my boyfriend for 2-1/2 years. He moved 2 hours away a little over a year ago. We see each other every 2 weeks for 36 hours. Lately I have been struggling. I have been texting this guy for about 2 weeks. Before this guy I was texting this other guy for about nine months. So...
  18. T

    Minimally Invasive Technique Appears Helpful To Reanimate Facial Paralysis

    A procedure involving only one small incision and no major modifications to bone can be used to transpose a tendon and appears helpful in reanimating the lower face after paralysis, according to a report in the January/February issue of Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, one of the...
  19. A

    Question about texting on the iPhone 4G? 10 points to most helpful answer.?

    Is there a way to include a smiley face graphic or animation? And also how can I make characters from other languages, like the n with the tilde for spanish words, or vowels with accent marks on them?
  20. D

    Hi , i play lol (league of legends) and i lag like shit ! any helpful advice?

    What would you do in a situation like me ?