Helpful methods to quit tobacco use?


New member
Apr 28, 2013
Im 17 (turning 18 very soon) and ive been smoking for about a year and a half and i will occasionally use dip if offered to me. Being that i am going to turn 18 soon I want to use tobacco on occasions but not everyday because once i have the ability to legally but it I know that i will probably turn into a heavy smoker. I dont want this to happen but i still like the buzz from using tobacco products, but after a little bit of fun with it at 18 i want to quit and just have a cigar once in a while or maybe a cigarette on a rough day. I have enough self control that i can stop myself from using if i REALLY wanted to, but that doesnt mean i dont get cravings. So what are some helpful things i can do to stop cravings? So far ive heard -
-Rubber band around wrist snap it when you get cravings
-Chewing gum or seeds to keep your mouth busy and mind off tobacco
-Video games or some activity to keep you busy
a few others i cant think of right now.
Any to add to this list? Any help is appreciated thank you