
  1. P

    Does this prophecy pertain to helping the disciples of Jesus or does it

    pertain to marriage? Also tell me why you believe what you do: Here is the prophecy "Principle will orchestrate the fulfillment of wisdom by collaberative procreation through your creative powers when idolatry and perversion are removed." Now here are some ideas: a) Principles are the guiding...
  2. T

    I am interested in helping people worldwide?

    Alright, so there was a ugandan invisible children presentation which is a nonprofit organization, that helps the children of Uganda by raising money to get schools and such and I was wondering, what could I do, or what could I join to help the misfourtunate kids around the world, not just here...
  3. A

    I have adult oral thrush and am taking Nystatin but it's not helping anymore...?

    I went to the Dr. last wednesday and found out I have tmj (Temporomandibular joint disorder) I was in severe pain because My joint is stuck and now I need to have surgery done. The Dr. prescribed me some pain killers and muscle relaxers. The meds dried out my mouth really bad and I ended up with...
  4. A

    I have adult oral thrush and am taking Nystatin but it's not helping anymore...?

    I went to the Dr. last wednesday and found out I have tmj (Temporomandibular joint disorder) I was in severe pain because My joint is stuck and now I need to have surgery done. The Dr. prescribed me some pain killers and muscle relaxers. The meds dried out my mouth really bad and I ended up with...
  5. T

    My boyfriend is 18 & has no money for college, his parents aren't helping him,

    what are his options? My boyfriend has a month to find a job & then he's getting kicked out of his house (he's getting kicked out even if he does find a job). Buttt, he graduated high school last year & he's planning on going to community college in December. But how is he going to pay for it...
  6. S

    Dipping tobacco Is helping me lose weight?

    I am 5-11 33 years old and a few weeks ago I weighed 237. I now weigh 226. Since I have starting dipping tobacco I have lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks. I have struggled with my weight for years but with dipping I am finding its easy to keep the weight off. Im thinking it may actually save my life...
  7. O

    I need help writing a prophecy for my story? Anyone good with poetry mind helping me?

    I want a non-rhyming poem that sounds good for the information I'm giving. I'm not good at poetry and I need a little help... thanks in advance! THe man hearing the prophecy, his name is Tasman. Just Tasman. In the prophecy he hears that there will be 3 kids born in the year 2000 that will be...
  8. L

    Why Christians give their money to churches instead of helping poor people?

    Christians have to give all their money to their strange materialist God and his servants pastors and priests. I attended one of the so called Benny Hin crusade, at least 90% of the 6000 strong audience had given their credit card number for monthly payments ! !! Me I didn't give them cent...
  9. W

    What do you think the reason will be for Tara (TNA Bike Girl) helping Madison Rayne?

    I think the reason she's helping her is because after Madison forced her into retirement, she saw Madison's potential, so I'm thinking it's kind of a "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" storyline with Tara siding with Madison. What do you think?
  10. C

    Whats the title of the anime with chinese zodiac animal warriors helping to

    fix fairytales? - not fruits basket and not knights of the zodiac - its about the 12 animals of the chinese zodiac with a mouse leader and they have fighting skills and travel to fairytales to make it right by fighting monsters. - this is probably like 20+ years old. please help!!! i watched...
  11. T

    I told future mother-in-law I didn't want her helping me get ready on my wedding... Why is she so mad? FH and I went to a BBQ at FMIL and FFIL's for the 4th of July holiday. While we were there, FMIL pulled me aside and told me she wanted to be in the room with me the day of the wedding and help me get ready. I felt put on the spot, but I told her the truth-that getting...
  12. T

    I told future mother-in-law I didn't want her helping me get ready on my wedding... Why is she so mad? FH and I went to a BBQ at FMIL and FFIL's for the 4th of July holiday. While we were there, FMIL pulled me aside and told me she wanted to be in the room with me the day of the wedding and help me get ready. I felt put on the spot, but I told her the truth-that getting...
  13. T

    I told future mother-in-law I didn't want her helping me get ready on my wedding... Why is she so mad? FH and I went to a BBQ at FMIL and FFIL's for the 4th of July holiday. While we were there, FMIL pulled me aside and told me she wanted to be in the room with me the day of the wedding and help me get ready. I felt put on the spot, but I told her the truth-that getting...
  14. T

    I told future mother-in-law I didn't want her helping me get ready on my wedding... Why is she so mad? FH and I went to a BBQ at FMIL and FFIL's for the 4th of July holiday. While we were there, FMIL pulled me aside and told me she wanted to be in the room with me the day of the wedding and help me get ready. I felt put on the spot, but I told her the truth-that getting...
  15. T

    I told future mother-in-law I didn't want her helping me get ready on my wedding... Why is she so mad? FH and I went to a BBQ at FMIL and FFIL's for the 4th of July holiday. While we were there, FMIL pulled me aside and told me she wanted to be in the room with me the day of the wedding and help me get ready. I felt put on the spot, but I told her the truth-that getting...
  16. T

    I told future mother-in-law I didn't want her helping me get ready on my wedding... Why is she so mad? FH and I went to a BBQ at FMIL and FFIL's for the 4th of July holiday. While we were there, FMIL pulled me aside and told me she wanted to be in the room with me the day of the wedding and help me get ready. I felt put on the spot, but I told her the truth-that getting...
  17. G

    Clarification in the You're Not Helping maneno

    Certain individuals who shall not be named (or linked to) by me on this blog have been making the usual petty and annoying nuisance of themselves. But there is some justice on the Internet, and the slapping upside the head happens here. Enjoy. Or throw up a little in your mouth. Either way...
  18. S

    Can someone assist in helping me track down a certain program?

    I'm playing around with Rainmeter and rocket dock, etc. Previously when I was using these I had the rocket dock at the bottom of the screen. With this I had a program that invisibly set the bottom bit of the screen (usually where the windows start bar would go) so that windows wouldn't cover it...
  19. S

    Can someone assist in helping me track down a certain program?

    I'm playing around with Rainmeter and rocket dock, etc. Previously when I was using these I had the rocket dock at the bottom of the screen. With this I had a program that invisibly set the bottom bit of the screen (usually where the windows start bar would go) so that windows wouldn't cover it...
  20. S

    Can someone assist in helping me track down a certain program?

    I'm playing around with Rainmeter and rocket dock, etc. Previously when I was using these I had the rocket dock at the bottom of the screen. With this I had a program that invisibly set the bottom bit of the screen (usually where the windows start bar would go) so that windows wouldn't cover it...