
  1. J

    Can I buy a Motorola Karma and get it to work with Revol?

    They have there Motorola Hint which is very much like the Karma as one on their plan but, I REALLY want the Karma. I am waiting to hear back from Revol to see if this will be allowed but wondered if anyone has done this or knows the answer.
  2. L

    Samsung impression or Motorola karma?

    hi! i REALLY cant decide which one to get!! if anyone had any experience with either one,pls tell me the pros and cons of each..plus,is the touch screen a pro or con? ive heard after a while they get less sensitive to the touch and annoying? im really confused!! i want something that looks nice...
  3. M

    i have a question about a motorola karma cell phone?

    can you put like the flash light to keep flashing when you get a messages or a call and if i can , how do i do it?
  4. J

    Should I get the Motorola Karma from AT&T?

    Also, would you recommend any other phone? Please don't mention the iphone..I hate those. ok, Thanks I'm looking into that phone because my Samsung Eternity gave up on me after 6 months, If you own it, can you please tell me the pros and cons. How is the music player? Is texting easy to get...
  5. E

    Do you have to have a data plan for a Motorola Karma on At&t?

    My mom swears you do so she won't let me buy one. I can't find anything in the website that says whether ot not you do. I can't see why as the social networking it is equipped for is optional.
  6. I

    Will Karma get him later in life...for gossiping?

    Say a guy joins a new group of friends that are mostly older than him by at least 10 years. After a while of being in the group he starts to open up and talk negatively about a past ex of his. Will this eventually turn-around and get him later? Like Karma?
  7. L

    In which religions are there a belief in Karma?

    I already know of Hinduism and Buddhism but are there any others?