
  1. T

    Exercise Is Good Medicine For Preventing And Reducing An Angry Mood

    Numerous studies have examined the positive effects of exercise on improving mood. However, little research has been designed to investigate the effect of exercise on feelings of anger. A recent study presented at American College of Sports Medicine's 57th Annual Meeting in Baltimore discovered...
  2. I

    R&S ATHEISTS: Are you in a mood for an absolutely HUGE LAUGH?

    Some religionista just posted this and I all but wet my knickers "Besides, this is the only Son of God, who was crucified and raised from the dead. Since we have forensic evidence of this event, it cannot be denied. " I've heard of delusional, but this one sits at the top of the stack...
  3. H

    I'm in the mood to laugh..?

    I want funny videos to watch on Youtube or any other place.. please link me!
  4. S

    please help im in a funny mood?

    can anyone please suggest a good funny comedy to watch
  5. C

    Survey: In what ways would the direction of the wind blowing affect your mood of

    the day? Thanks and enjoy your day.
  6. C

    Survey: In what ways would the direction of the wind blowing affect your mood of

    the day? Thanks and enjoy your day.
  7. M

    Do you have to fancy it Survey: In the mood or not interested?
  8. M

    Rainy Monday morning Poll:Happy or Sombre mood?
  9. P

    In bad mood. Broke up with boyfriend, then my car got skimmed by a truck. Lots of

    anger!? Bad week! day 1: boyfriend of 1 year and i broke up. basically he's tired of waiting, cause i'm not attracted enough to him, though we get on quite well otherwise, for the most part day 2: truck skimmed my car while it was parked and i was in it. insurance covers it, his fault...
  10. S

    i was in a writing mood lol what do you think?

    Sometimes in life you get so caught up in whats going on around you that your life seems to fall off balance. You can have everything you ever wanted in the palm of your hand but yet something is still missing. You cant seem to find your way or where you belong but yet your content. One of your...
  11. K

    Can cigarettes effect someones mood?

    Like make them seem very nervous / angry? My man quit smoking a year ago and he recently started back up and ever since he's been on my back for every little thing! When i ask him a question he will seem upset and ignore it. Just today when we were driving home, i asked him if the cigarettes are...
  12. G

    My friend has severe mood swings. She will be happy then depresssed in matter of...

    ...seconds. What do I do? I've asked her a few things and she has told me that she feels all upbeat and happy then feels like depressed. It usually occurs when she is alone. She has only told me about this and her bestfriend. She says she feels as if nothing matters and there's nothing to live...
  13. G

    My friend has severe mood swings. She will be happy then depresssed in matter of...

    ...seconds. What do I do? I've asked her a few things and she has told me that she feels all upbeat and happy then feels like depressed. It usually occurs when she is alone. She has only told me about this and her bestfriend. She says she feels as if nothing matters and there's nothing to live...
  14. G

    My friend has severe mood swings. She will be happy then depresssed in matter of...

    ...seconds. What do I do? I've asked her a few things and she has told me that she feels all upbeat and happy then feels like depressed. It usually occurs when she is alone. She has only told me about this and her bestfriend. She says she feels as if nothing matters and there's nothing to live...
  15. G

    My friend has severe mood swings. She will be happy then depresssed in matter of...

    ...seconds. What do I do? I've asked her a few things and she has told me that she feels all upbeat and happy then feels like depressed. It usually occurs when she is alone. She has only told me about this and her bestfriend. She says she feels as if nothing matters and there's nothing to live...
  16. D

    My fiance's mood

    Alright me and my fiance have went to the doctor 3 days ago and found out she has been pregnant for about a month and a half.I am so excited about being a father.But recently...she has been so moody.One minute she is crying,then she is happy....I try to help her...when she cries I hold her and...
  17. S

    Funny DVD to lighten mood of family in turmoil?

    Kids 9-12ish, "clean-living" - any ideas? Source: Laughter - the best medicine. Ta Poin but I want to give a DVD to someone from work so they can watch together. (Do people huddle round the computer monitor? Maybe they do?)
  18. G

    The Mood Chair Knows Exactly How Your Buttocks Feels [Design]

    Forget looking at the mood ring on someone's hand to know how she feels. Now it's the chair under her cute bum that'll reveal all. And the LEDs and embedded micro-chips on it are way cooler than bubblegum machine trinkets. The Mood Chair is designed by a company called Aether & Hemera and...
  19. M

    Is sense of Humor dependent on Mood ?

    A good sense of humor is an underlying quality, while moods come & go. But does humor Always Prevail? Why / When ? Dear kenna, isn't/shouldn't humor be an intrinsic quality of an individual [some have it, some don't, few acquire it]. My premise is that if one has a true sense of humor, Nothing...
  20. S

    i'm in the mood for arguing with christians. is there a good site i can go to

    where i can argue with them? i love christians! they are so fun to argue with! the best part is when they twist their faces in disgust when they hear your non-belief in jesus! is there any website that i can go to where i can do this? guys. don't worry about my maturity level. I think when you...