
  1. X

    How do you get into the right mood for first time sex?

    me and my boyfriend have been going out for a year and we are in a strong relationship. he comes over my house alot when my parents arn't in, which is basicly the whole day. and we are both 16 year old virgins. how can we get into the right mood for sex? and what should we do the first time...
  2. H

    im in the mood to cry from a love movie,what do you think i should see?

    here are a few movies i like like that to give you an idea. the notebook a walk to remember if only keith ps i love you and also the book "dont die my love" by lurlene mcdaniel hope it gives u an idea of what i like thnx
  3. A

    Does your mood affect the questions you ask or answers you give?

    Or does it make no difference?
  4. M

    where can I find a mood ring in china?

    I am in china (nanjing) and I wander where I can find a mood ring?if any one know where I can get one thanks for your helps
  5. Jordan

    My boyfriend sometimes gets in this mood? help?

    We've been dating for almost five months and every once in a while he'll just get in this mood where he won't talk or look at me. He'll still walk me to class and stuff but i can't tell something's up. He won't tell me if somethings bothering him and he says he's not in any mood. what do i do?
  6. W

    Celebrity Come Dine With Me, Edwina, would she wreck the mood at your dinner party?

    Hiya Steve, FFS you need to spend more time on here, not seen you in AGES!
  7. L

    Jaguar XJ Mood Lighting?

    Does anyone know how the mood lighting in the 2007 onwards Jaguar XJ's works
  8. R

    I'm in a bit of a sad mood and really feel like watching a soppy romantic film that

    will make me cry? Any suggestions? Nothing too old though
  9. M

    What food is an aphrodisiac? really Enhances the mood?

    i have heard oysters..............but what else? what food turns your mate on?
  10. B

    A few blonde jokes to lighten the mood.?

    Thought these were kind of funny, so I wanted to share them with ya! A blonde has just gotten a new sports car. She cuts out in front of a semi, and almost causes it to drive over a cliff. The driver furiously motions for her to pull over, and she does. The driver gets out and draws a circle...
  11. G

    why is my cat in a funny mood?? also can cats eats small amounts of cheese?

    hi, today my cat is acting very scared, im not sure why i havn't told her off or anything. she still has an appitite and is sleeping on my bed when i go up to her she is jumpy and i found her hiding in the corner of the room looking scared :-( also is cheese ok for them in small amounts???
  12. T

    i thought i was in a good mood , then i screamed like a maniac ?

    i was out with friends and had good time , went to tha movies , and i just got a new pair of glasses last night ! but .. i came home , and some problems happened between me and my sister , normal daily troubles , but i couldnt bare it tonight and suddenly i was shouting like who lost her family...
  13. D

    Are these mood swings or something?

    This girl really confuses me because when its just me and her alone she doesn't laugh loudly at my jokes and shes a little bit more reserved . But when we are in a big circle of people in a class discussion she always laughs really loudly at my jokes and stuff and she always interrupts me with...