
  1. H

    A Nightmare On Elm Street 1984 BRRip XvidHD 720p-NPW

    Category: Movies-XviD Size: 2.99 GB Files: 41 (8 pars) Group: a.b.boneless .NFO: View NFO IMDB: 0087800 Posted: Tue August 17th 11:04:54 UTC Download NZB
  2. N

    my neighbours are a nightmare! can i complain about it?

    my neighbours is smoking all the time and they are really nasty, they throwing things out of the windows, like cigarettes, and they smoking on the windows because they have children but all the smoke comes into my house because i am above them! they even smoking grass stuff! anyway i cannot bear...
  3. G

    Our Worst Nightmare Realized: Subway Stations and Tracks To Have Cell Service, Wi-Fi

    Not only will the city's subway stations be rigged to support your handheld electronic devices, but chatty citizens will be allowed to make calls in between stops, too. Is there anything worse than this? More »
  4. K

    Horrible nightmare help?

    i just woke up from the worst nightmare ive ever started like dis, that my family and i lived in a small country like with woods ect. and we went to the only mall they had to buy sum water that just came out. but when we where in the mall for awhile giant spiders started to get out of...
  5. N

    when does a nightmare on elm street come out on dvd?

    the remake (2010)
  6. T

    scary nightmare about plane crashes. and mario galaxy?

    i had a dream about a plane crashing in manhatten while me, my boyfriend and ex boyfriend were driving around. i was so scared and my ex boyfriend was afraid and didnt even want to start driving away, so my boyfriend took control and drove us away.. then i had another dream of a plane crashing...
  7. R

    When will Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) be out on dvd/bluray?

    I can't find this info anywhere. Not even sure if it's out already.
  8. C

    Stitch (From Lilo & Stitch) Is my nightmare. Can somebody protect me from her?

    Send any character (anime, manga, video game, or/and J-rock/J-pop per a charater or one character). Just add this like it: "Character" from "Series"If you want to Comments about this character you can add a video, picture, that can have a to do to save me from Stitch. if Stitch... Kidnapped me...
  9. K

    * hvac * cleaning toys/junk in vents??????? Nightmare please help?

    we bought a 2 story house forclosed and none of the vents upstairs are releasing air. we cleaned the vents out w the hvac serviceman and we found a glass coke bottle and a nerf baseball in the vents just by reaching our hands down it as far as we could but we can only reach so far.. im now...
  10. M

    When does the new Nightmare On Elm Street come out on dvd in the US?

    2010 Nightmare on Elm Street
  11. C

    where can i buy the nightmare before christmas 3d dvd?

    I've tried everywhere. Does anyone know where I can find it?
  12. C

    When does the new nightmare on elm street movie ( DVD ) come out in the uk ?

    And if it already have, when was this ?
  13. A

    Is a nightmare the same thing as a bad dream?

    Are these just different words for the same thing? Or is there a technical difference between them?
  14. L

    where can i read nightmare inspector vol.5-9 in english?

    nightmare inspector is a manga....
  15. O

    What does my strange nightmare mean?

    I am a 22 y/o girl but in my dream I was a little boy about 10 or so and I lived in a mansion with my really rich family. The mansion seemed to be in the middle of a forrest, I don't know how I knew it was a mansion because the only rooms I went in in my dream were the kitchen and an upstairs...
  16. S

    another nightmare, what could it be?

    dream i just had, i just woke up. I moved through a dark hall, the smell of rotting flesh filled the air. the walls were lined in foreign looking runes, wrote in blood. I ran down the hallway, only to find the corpse of an unknown person hanging from the ceiling by his own intestines. i turned...
  17. G

    American Me-Siberian Nightmare Machine-2009-CRN

    Category: Music-MP3 (Hardcore) Size: 49.89 MB Files: 20 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed January 20th 20:24:42 UTC Download NZB
  18. F

    is there a meaning to this weird nightmare i had?

    the other night i was trying to have a lucid dream so before i went to sleep i started counting. once i got so far in counting i was in the dream but i couldn't control it like you're supposed to be able to with lucid dreams. in the actual dream i was with my two best friends in a hotel and...
  19. K

    I had a Nightmare what does it mean?

    The nightmare was about a bed that was haunted and every time you sat on it or even touched it, it tor you apart. I was in the dream with some other people and we were throwing knifes at the bed. Every time someone was killed by the bed a printer (in the other room in the same house) would print...
  20. J

    What do you think this dream meant? it was like a nightmare..?

    I think it was one of those dreams where your awake but your body is asleep? or something similar..(I used to get these all the last year) .. I was sleeping and it was pitch black in my room.. I heard screams of laughter and just a lady screaming.. I tried to turn and move my body and close my...