
  1. A

    Stallion for sale; this horse will take you to the Olympic games?

    I am a horseback rider who has been training an almost 3 year old Dutch Warmblood stallion. He is an absolutely amazing mover and has very natural balanced gaits. He is for trainers or advanced riders that will work with him and a trainer to further his training. He is not a pasture ornament...
  2. H

    How can an Olympic medalist's homecoming be?

    Whether its at the airport or arriving home, how can an Olympic medal winner be welcomed?
  3. J

    question about power cleans and full olympic style cleans?

    How much more can one full clean (with a full front squat) as opposed to a power clean with only a quarter squat to get underneath the bar.?
  4. J

    Who hopes to see the 2016 Olympic Games hosted by Tokyo full of feces and urine?

    Station toilet waste ran into river for 40 years National DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/20090318TDY02306.htm asahi.com : Foul water polluted tokyo river - English http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200903180070.html
  5. J

    Who hopes to see the 2016 Olympic Games hosted by Tokyo full of feces and urine?

    Station toilet waste ran into river for 40 years National DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/20090318TDY02306.htm asahi.com : Foul water polluted tokyo river - English http://www.asahi.com/english/Herald-asahi/TKY200903180070.html
  6. M

    By the Numbers: Chicago bid plans to add green to Olympic gold, silver, and bronze

    By the Numbers: Chicago bid plans to add green to Olympic gold, silver, and bronze 2016 The year Chicago hopes it will host the Olympic Summer Games and put on the greenest Olympics. "We've got a real opportunity to take the best aspects of our city, theparks, the lakefront and the...
  7. M

    Who do you think has the best Olympic Logo for 2016?

    Who do you think has the best Logo fo 2016? Chicago http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_201... Madird http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madrid_2016... Rio de Janeiro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio_de_Jane... Tokyo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_2016_...
  8. C

    Sister a future Olympic swimmer?

    Hi! I just had a quick question for anyone who knows about the freakish proportions of Michael Phelps...My older sister is 19 and has always been the athlete of the family. She was an awesome volleyball player and had now taken up swimming in college. She has always been self conceise of her...
  9. C

    Will shoe-hurling be included in the Olympic Games in future?

    Throwing shoes as an expression of disapproval seems to have become popular. So far George Bush and the Chinese prime minister have been recipients of flying shoes.
  10. S

    How far is south main street, L.A, 90014 from Club Nokia, 800 west olympic blvd, L.A

    90015? ? Also, are either of these fairly close to the L.A airport? Trying to figure out the cost of taxis back and fourth to these places. Please help!!!
  11. N

    Rumor about the Chinese olympic gymnasts?

    I had heard a rumor going around that the manager of the female Chinese olympic gymnast team had forced her gymnasts to get their breasts surgically removed so they could have better balance during their routine. Does anyone know if this is true? If it is, should they be disqualified?