
  1. A

    Can someone tell me if WWE Randy Orton injured or taking a vacation again he

    not on Raw & Smackdown 11/27/12? I checked just the schedule and WWE Randy Orton will not be on Smackdown taping (11/27/12) instead it has John Cena on the schedule. Randy Orton was not on Raw (11/26/12). I am kind of disappointed since Randy Orton was not on Raw (11/26/12). Can someone tell...
  2. R

    Does anyone else think it would have been more interesting to have orton instead...

    ...of ryback to face punk? Let's face facts, wwe created a more slower smaller version of goldberg and the win streak wasn't nearly as long. Now that Ryback lost to a ridiculous storyline his whole character just seems bland. When you have someone like orton sitting around rivaling with no one...
  3. J

    Why do people think Orton is boring?

    He works his ass off for the company and he has amazing in ring and mic skills. And if he has gotten boring its only because wwe made him that way! So instead of hating just like orton he is great whether you want to admit it or not!
  4. B

    What's the song on Randy Orton's DVD?

    It's the one about 1 hour into the DVD, where like his wife starts crying and they're talking about Alanna being born. Lyrics: "She's my everything" (repetitive). Yeah... Would be much appreciated. I've been googling the lyrics for hours, if you want to try, go ahead: Lyrics: "Overwhelmed and...
  5. B

    what's the name of song in randy orton dvd?

    when he won the title.
  6. S

    Why release a Randy Orton DVD when his match with Chris Benoit isn't in it?

    This was his first title victory and made him the youngest WHC in history. Why not in7clude this match?It's probably the highlight of Orton's career beside the fact he talked trash about Kelly Kelly?
  7. A

    music in the randy orton dvd?

    whats the song in the randy orton dvd when he wins the belt?
  8. Y

    Orton smackdown, cena raw, what with this new trend of doing?

    g@y star jumps like a cheerleader
  9. M

    Do you think CM Punk will try to kidnap Orton's wife and daughter who are...

    ...obviously still on the tour bus? What other reason did they show him getting off the tour bus and locking the door and mentioning his family being with him? I think CM Punk will break into the bus during Orton's match. It wouldn't be his real family it would be the one they showed last week...
  10. C

    how come randy orton hasn't had a DVD come out?

    He's one of my favorite so I just checked the wweshop and he don't have one. Even John Morrison has one and Orton is a bigger star than him. DX is having another dvd come out when they just had a new and improved one last year. Sorry for rambling on but why in the blue hell doesn't orton have one
  11. T

    Any news on the new Randy Orton DVD?

    I read some stuff from May - July talking about a new Randy Orton DVD coming the end of 2010. Its supposed to be called 'Randy Orton: The Viper Uncoiled' and that's the only news I've found on it. If anyone knows or finds anything on it (release date, content, etc.) please let me know :P thanks :)
  12. J

    So, are there still people out there that argue that Kyle Orton is a good

    quarterback? If so, please explain.
  13. R

    which to start??? rogers or orton?

    league earns one point for every completed 10 yrds. and 6 for each T/D. Orton Has been tearing in up but So has rogers. I am facing tough team so need as many points as possible. So am I better of with Aaron Rogers or Kyle Orton?
  14. A

    Should I trade for Orton or Rogers in my fantasy team?

    I have an opportunity to trade for one of these two quarterbacks. Who should I take? Doesn't really matter who i have now, who is a better qb fantasy wise
  15. K

    when is the wwe going to do a randy orton dvd ?

    bq what should it be called ? bq2 what do you thing abt my new pic ?
  16. J

    If people hate Cena, Then why do they complain when Orton gets the push?

    People say that they are tired that Cena is the face and I understand that and how they wish that a real wrestler would take his place (Orton). Orton got the push and he's loved but still pretty bad@$$ in all. Why do people hate Cena AND Orton now? A year ago weren't those same people begging...
  17. R

    Randy Orton complains about another Superstar(spoiler inside also). Your thoughts?

    Randy Orton Reportedly Angered By The Miz During Monday's Raw Taping Posted by PWPIX on 07/31/2010 In a shades similar to past incidents with Kofi Kingston and Ken Anderson, Randy Orton was legitimately rattled by The Miz during their match at Monday's Raw taping in San Antonio. Though...
  18. M

    How to attach the orton vent master to a kiln?

    I just got a new kiln and the orton vent master to go with it. All the holes were already drilled but we are not sure how to attach it and the directions are not very clear. is it ok to screw the vent to the bottom of the kiln? does anyone know where there are clearer directions on how to hook...
  19. C

    How come Randy Orton and HHH have more fans than....?

    CM Punk? He is clearly a better wrestler and promoist than both of them combined.
  20. A

    If they make an Orton dvd, will they leave off his match at 2004 Summerslam?

    It's kind of a big match in his career. It sucks that they just have to leave it off like that. I mean, you'd think they could put it on one of their dvds at least.