Why release a Randy Orton DVD when his match with Chris Benoit isn't in it?


New member
Sep 21, 2011
This was his first title victory and made him the youngest WHC in history.

Why not in7clude this match?It's probably the highlight of Orton's career beside the fact he talked trash about Kelly Kelly?
Is this señor Jimmy? And WWE does not want to mention Chris Benoit ever again , ever since he killed himself and his wife and kid
Chris Benoit had a nasty falling out with WWE,similar to the one with Randy Savage. At this time Vince McMahon is not going to recognize Chris Benoit. Give it a few years and maybe the next Orton dvd will have it.
You realize WWE is trying to cover up any evidence of Chris Benoit's existence, right?
Chris Benoit killed his family. He doesn't deserve any recognition from us anymore!