
  1. J

    Christians, will you say a particular prayer for me please?

    Could you pray for Simon Cowell to go to hell because I've just been listening to some of the music he is responsible for and now my brain is hurting. I thank you in advance. GO!
  2. Y

    Christians, Wiccans, Pagans, ect...Is This Considered Prayer or Sorcery?

    I burn my candles (like in they do in church), chant my mantras (like saying my rosary) and evoke the healing powers of Nature and ask God to magnify the healing properties of my crystals (Crystals are of nature and God Created them). I do this all in the name of The Father, The Son, and The...
  3. J

    Was this prayer accept by Christ or was it just something else?

    So, my life isn't going as WELL as it used to and theres this 1 girl who makes me happy and thats it just her. I kindly prayed (just to show me a way to her cause shes the only one who makes me happy) and i ask lots of questions on yahoo in the dating section and INTERESTINGLY enough the girl i...
  4. J

    Was this prayer accept by Christ or was it just something else?

    So, my life isn't going as WELL as it used to and theres this 1 girl who makes me happy and thats it just her. I kindly prayed (just to show me a way to her cause shes the only one who makes me happy) and i ask lots of questions on yahoo in the dating section and INTERESTINGLY enough the girl i...
  5. S

    Was this prayer accept by Jesus Christ or was it just something else?

    So, my life isn't going as WELL as it used to and theres this 1 girl who makes me happy and thats it just her. I kindly prayed (just to show me a way to her cause shes the only one who makes me happy) and i ask lots of questions on yahoo in the dating section and INTERESTINGLY enough the girl i...
  6. G

    Study shows prayer helps

    But the method must be adjusted if you happen to be an atheist. OMG. As it were. WARNING: your irony meter may break just after 2 minutes 10 seconds. Adjust your irony meters now. Do not drink coffee while watching this video. Read the comments on this post... More...
  7. G

    Sunday Prayer

    Not: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  8. J

    the major zen sects stressed a. military prowess b. monastic life c. prayer d.

    meditation and riddles e. a? Q21 the major zen sects stressed a. military prowess b. monastic life c. prayer d. meditation and riddles e. an organized clergy
  9. S

    What is the Tzitzit (Prayer Shawl) Prophecy? and why are the corners of the

    shawl often called wings? What is the Hebraic numerical value for the world "tzitzit?" What is the wearing of this such a symbolic gesture of...? See Mal 4:2, and Mark 5:30 -34 and discuss if you will about this person who wore the tassels...
  10. A

    Prayer questions Sunnah Plz!?

    So, im learning how to pray and i have no idea what to say in the prayer! I know for each prayer the surahs have to be different right? So what to you say - i mean i looked this up and it said like 11:11 and i dont know how to find that in the quran! Yeah, all five prayer and if you know any...
  11. J

    Where is this prayer located?

    A while back I was researching the Nephilim for a book I am currently writing. I came across a website that quoted a prayer about the Nephilim never returning. All I remember from it is "Let evil not come back, let the Nephilim never return" or something along those lines. Any ideas?
  12. T

    For Christians ; What is the most amazing prayer that has been answered?

    by God for you ? What was it and how quick did it happened. Recently I asked jesus into my life and asked him to transform my life. I had been living in a tiny horrible house with a bad landlord for 4 years. No matter how much I tried, due to money problems I just couldn't find a better house...
  13. I

    If prayer works, why is it only with the advent of modern medicine has

    health improved and lifespans increased? Health is obviously one of the most common things prayed for.
  14. S

    christians? what kind of prayer do you say everyday?

    what is your prayer or how do you pray and you think all your good wishes are done in the day because according the God's will they are Ok?
  15. A

    Why are most Christians so self righteous about prayer?

    Granting people their prayer, e.g. " I will pray for you" and instantly hook up with their imaginary being and talk to them about you. LOL, please. I'm sure other people feel the same when I say, Do not pray for me, I do not want to be responsible for you talking to yourself. Thanks. Monkey: I...
  16. T

    Church Bells / Azaan (Muslim call for Prayer)?

    In the same way that a Christian British has the freedom to ring chrurch bells, should a British Muslim be allowed to call Azaan? Would the Azaan be considered to be un-British? Would it it undemine the British charcter of the country?
  17. H

    Need of a song and prayer that discusses the statements about humanity.?

    I am taking a high school religion course and one of the assignments is to find a prayer and a song that discusses humanity. the statements about humanity are: humans are... 1.persons created in the image and likeness of God 2. called to happiness and holiness 3. rational and free 4. moral...
  18. T

    I'm a Mage pure, do i need prayer? Runescape?

    i was wondering because people say i need it
  19. C

    Which religion should write the official school prayer for USA public schools?

    There is a movement in many communities to have prayer in school. Everybody praying together instead of just their private prayers which of course they can do at any time. Someone will have to come up with the prayer. If it passes anywhere, and I hope it never does, then my choice is Wicca
  20. P

    Vanessa bell Armstrong Prayer still Works?

    what are the lyrics?