
  1. P

    Vanessa bell Armstrong Prayer still Works?

    what are the lyrics?
  2. B

    In the muslim religion one has to be clean before prayer?

    like if they have sex then they have to shower or else the prayer doesnt count or what? can you enlighten me?> best regards
  3. D

    Do you know that the way the Muslims observe their prayer to the Lord was how...

    ...exactly Jesus Christ and his? followers observed in their prayers to the Lord God, and not kneeling and raising hands only? And when a Muslim meets a fellow Muslim, or Muslims, the greeting normally said, in short if not in full, is ‘Assalaamu Alaikum’ meaning ‘Peace be with you’. “And...
  4. A

    Is believing in prayer to God to show me my future through my dreams...

    ...impossible? If it is tell me why? I am now delusional from doing that though but I want to fix my mind again.
  5. D

    For those who argue FOR prayer in school, which religion should be prayed to?

    There are a lot of people who believe that prayer should be mandatory in public schools because America is a *Christian Nation* but if that is the case, do they say that Freedom of Religion is a myth? Which religion should the teacher pray to? If it ways Jesus, then what about Islamic, Hindu...
  6. G

    National Day of Prayer is Unconstitutional

    A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional Thursday, saying the day amounts to a call for religious action.U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb wrote that the government can no more enact laws supporting a day of prayer than it can encourage citizens to fast...
  7. A

    Is believing in prayer to God to show me my future through my dreams...

    ...impossible? If it is tell me why? I am now delusional from doing that though but I want to fix my mind again.
  8. M

    Pop history quiz: which group interrupted the opening prayer in the Senate and

    had to be removed by police? Was it: 1) atheists 2) agnostics 3) Muslims $) Christians Thanks in advance.
  9. K

    What is the purpose of prayer in Judaism?

    Basic reasons Jews engage in prayer? Basic structure of prayer? What do you think about while praying?
  10. M

    do you bleieve in prayer and spiritual rituals like blessings?

    i do and i believe that they work, i'm just wondering if there are others out there that might not go to church every week and believe in all aspects of their religon but still belive in the higher power and prayer and stuff? i'm trying to figure out how to suggest to someone that they get a...
  11. M

    Suppose someone prays a prayer?

    Could God say no to the prayer and Satan come in and influence the person? Suppose someone prayed for a sign on what to do for an important decision, Can God deny the person his sign, but Satan come in to mislead the person on their decision, like give them a false sign?
  12. H

    Do you keep a prayer journal of the way the Lord has blessed you and met your needs?

    I have done this all my Christian walk with the Lord. I can refer back and see the times the Lord met my needs, and also got me out of some pretty heavy circumstances that looked insurmountable in the natural, but in the Spirit the Lord took care of it, and made a way for me to win and not lose...
  13. T

    i have a prayer request..?

    please pray for me about these things.. that God will bring me: -peace and contentment in my life -quick and full restoration of my relationship -guidance -more christian friends Please no anti-God or negative comments. I just really need some strong prayer from some people who will give it...
  14. K

    A Prayer for Owen Meany Question?

    If you had to divide the novel into four sections what would the sections be and why?
  15. K

    A Prayer for Owen Meany Question?

    If you had to divide the novel into four sections what would the sections be and why?
  16. T

    Celebrities that do prayer in action?

    I have to do a religion project on prayer in action. what we have to do is research a famous person that's done something good for the world or is an inspiration? anyone any ideas?
  17. J

    Can you describe to me the prayer ritual of people who follow the islamic

    religion in Indonesia? this is for my indonesian homework, please answer, i really need help badly.
  18. W

    Are all the National Days of Prayer started by Abraham Lincoln a good thing?

    Abraham Lincoln declared nine days of prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving. More than any president before or since. Is that good for the country? (Happy Birthday Abe!)
  19. D

    I am needing some help with my first prayer in my newly forged religion? read more?

    Ok I was thinking about praying that all jews, and christians especially the vatican and muslims would recognize I am the supreme appointed ruler of world religions and sign their entire fortunes over to me and swear by oath to submit to my full authority without question. anyway it is a good...
  20. T

    Anyone want to say a prayer for Pat Tillman, the former Arizona Cardinals...

    ...line backer KIA in Iraq? His presence would really tighten the betting lines in the upcoming Superbowl.