
  1. A

    Harry Redknapp’s likely reaction to hearing Modric wants to leave

    Having successfully rebuffed Chelsea's "ridiculous" £22 million offer for Luka Modric and assured everyone that he had absolutely no intention of ever selling the midfielder, Harry Redknapp and his family likely celebrated the way they celebrate most triumphs: by playing Wii. Mario Kart, Super...
  2. C

    What is your reaction to the movie "Black Swan"?

    The whole movie. Thank you!
  3. J

    How to discuss reaction of carboxylic acids with oxidizing agents?

    Test Compounds--------Observation/ Color Acetic Acid----------------Violet Color Lactic Acid-----------------Black Substance Settled Below Tartaric Acid---------------Dark Violet, Blue, tiny particles are formed Citric Acid------------------Dark Violet Color Benzoic Acid--------------Violet...
  4. brenda

    discuss the reaction of the customer for one of the following scenarios: getting

    permission before putting the? customer on hold or getting permission before transferring the customer to another employee. 2. A customer service rep deals with a customer in a rude or indifferent manner.
  5. A

    My hamster bit me! Instant skin reaction following it.?

    We bought our little popcorn from Petco and were told they were healthy and rabies-free. I held him about 5 minutes ago and he bit me. I went to go rinse it thoroughly with soap, then put hydrogen peroxide on it. I instantly got these tiny, tiny white bumps, almost flake-like. I tried to scratch...
  6. B

    Uses of The Suzuki Reaction?

    I am doing a paper on the suzuki reaction, any one know any chemicals/drugs that are produced this way that i can use as examples. Or any large companies that relly heavily on this reaction. Thanks
  7. V

    Need a laugh? What would ur reaction be to this statement?

    So we were driving down the street at night, a bnch of my friends and I, and we were heading to six flags because it was new Years eve. So someone says "haha I know dude what could be better than six flags?" i said "I'm better than six flags." ;)
  8. B

    The polymerase chain reaction requires a heat-resistant enzyme. What is the

    relationship between this fact and? a. Heat-resistant bacteria in hot springs can initiate the polymerase chain reaction. b, Heat-resistant enzymes can be extracted from heat-resistant bacteria growing in Yellowstone National Park hot springs. c. Hot springs vary in temperature just like...
  9. S

    Is this a weird reaction for a lesbian in a relationship?

    I identify as a lesbian and I have an amazing girlfriend. We've been together for a year and just recently have started to become more intimate with our relationship. When she says or does things towards me I get turned on easily. However, I have never had a girlfriend before her and lesbian...
  10. I

    What was your reaction when Ricky Gervais introduced Bruce Willis at the

    golden globe's? He introduced Bruce Willis as Ashton Kutcher's
  11. R

    is this a normal reaction to smoking weed?

    i smoked weed for the second time a few days ago with my friend. i'm not really used to it and its been affecting me a bit differently. we smoked about two blunts, and then he brought out a bottle of black velvet and we started drinking. i blacked out a while after that and i really don't...
  12. M

    christians are saying the world is going to end on may 21st, whats your reaction to

    this? i was browsing the articles today on yahoo and found one about a group of christians (not generalizing, i said a GROUP) who are spreading word that 5-21-11 will be the does this make you feel to hear such things? with 2012 a year away, how do you feel? not looking to mock...
  13. N

    Interesting Reaction Question.?

    Quite an interesting thing happened today in Chemistry class. I took and mixed KI and H2O2, and got the usual reaction in getting I2 and O2 (redox). I put a bit more (or a lot more...) H2O2 than I should have. My friend then took a mixture of Cu(OH)2 that has been standing there for a few days...
  14. M

    allergic reaction to a mango.. lol... face is swollen?

    2 days ago i ate a mango and im pretty sure it is whats causing me to swell because this happened 2 other time ive ate one. i just now realized it but my eyes are really swollen, my face has red itchy dry bumps, my lips are infllamed and swollen, i have the bumps on my kneck as well. it burns...
  15. C

    Did I have some kind of bad reaction to my new medicine?

    I was just prescribed Omeprazole (Prilosec) because I've been getting random waves of nausea and dizziness. I took it yesterday at around 4, ate food twenty minutes later (which is what I was told to do with it) and everything was fine at first. I've had Prilosec before and I got bad headaches...
  16. G

    The Reaction of Governments to Wikileaks Should Scare the Hell Out of You [Wikileaks]

    Wikileaks is a flawed endeavor represented publicly by a smug egotist. But it deserves the respect and support of anyone who prioritizes the privacy of individuals over that of governments. More »
  17. M

    Compare Muslim reaction of Muhammad cartoons, with Christian reaction to film...

    ...The Last Temptation of Christ? Apparently there were incidents of violence toward theater goers at showings of Martin Scorcese picture--The Last Temptation of Christ.
  18. A

    IAC - Who thought Shaun Ryders reaction to having his music played was the...

    ...cutest, sweetest thing ever? lol? I think I am seriously in love with the man after seeing him go all shy and modest when they played his stuff in the Jungle Pub! Ooh, I just want to snuggle up to him on that sofa and squeeze his little cheeks until they pop! lol He is adorable! Anyone...
  19. I

    Spiritually Laughing: What do you think the reaction would be on the part of the

    "gropers" if the recipient? "being searched" suddenly started to "moan and groan" in mock pleasure each time they were touched somewhere "private". Would it cause people to line up for the process? It makes me think of that scene in Harry met Sally where she faked having "sex" in the...
  20. K

    What are your thoughts or reaction to Carl Rogers concept of the fully...

    ...functioning person? Here is a link to the article on his thoughts of the fully functioning person you can scroll down to that section and find it. Do you remember what the title of the question was? or are you sure there was a question similar to...