
  1. P

    Christians, what's your reaction when you see someone who's homeless and in

    need of help? What do you do? Not Christian? We welcome your respectful sharing. We've been asked a fair question. We do what we can and what we feel led to do. We do give food, arrange for clothing and shelter where it's appropriate and refer those in need to others who can take up where we...
  2. J

    What was the fan reaction to the Megadeth and Metallica tour?

    We just went to the Jagermeister tour with Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax. Unfortunately, we couldn't go to Europe to see them with Metallica, lol. But, I'm curious. I know it was the first time Megadeth and Metallica had played together in over 15 years and there's a lot of bitterness. I imagine...
  3. R

    Which celebrities get the biggest reaction on Yahoo Answers?

    It seems that if you put Paris Hilton or Obama in the question you get hundreds of replies...there must be more worthy people..
  4. L

    What was YOU'RE initial reaction to the narrator of the Chrysalids by John Wyndham?

    I know my take but i would like to know other peoples, this will help me study greatly.
  5. H

    who can guess by my ex's reaction what his friend said about me lol?

    So went to see my ex boyfriend yesterday for a while . And while I was their his friend stopped by. I told him 'your friend is cute'..and my ex said "get the heck outta here. but Im better looking right?" I laughed and said 'yea' . then I asked my ex later if he told his friend what I said and...
  6. G

    Reaction to "Gathering Storm" U.S. science education report

    A National Academies report Thursday warned of a crummy economic future unless fixes are made to U.S. science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.Included below are longer reactions to the "Rising Above the Gathering Storm," report: here Read the comments on this post...
  7. Jordan

    Anyone going to We Came as Romans meet and greet at Chain Reaction tonight, 9/24?

    I haven't seen many people that are going. I'm going alone, so I'm hoping I'll meet someone I can maybe talk to or chill with... anyone going??
  8. T

    Canadian Blood Services' CEO Gives Initial Reaction To Ontario Superior Court MSM Rul

    Canadian Blood Services welcomes the Ontario Superior Court ruling in the Charter challenge involving Kyle Freeman. The ruling by Justice Catherine Aitken held that Canadian Blood Services' donor screening methods uphold the highest standards of safety for its recipients, and are not a violation...
  9. J

    What was your reaction the first time you laid down your bike?

    Getting my first bike soon this year, I just want to know what to expect when I lay it down my first time. Just tell us your story.
  10. A

    I have itchy skin but its not bug bites or an allergic reaction. HELP PLS?

    I know this is a pretty general topic, but maybe someone can relate or maybe someone has some info... here goes: For sometime now ( a few months) my upper arms and recently spreading to my lower arms (seldom on wrists never on hands) I have been itchy, I end up itching so much I break the skin...
  11. B

    What's your reaction when some of the Kardashians complain about how "busy" they...

    What's your reaction when some of the Kardashians complain about how "busy" they... ...are on their show(s)? I laugh.
  12. M

    When young baby humans talk, whats your reaction?

    Im sayin like tots talkin (1-4 age group), i usualy neeeeeeeeeever understand what they are saying. maybe like one word that i would repeat to pretend to converse with the kid, but, what do you do?!?! what goes on in your point of view....
  13. L

    What is the conservative reaction to the Republicans demanding vacation...

    ...after the election? They want a two-month long, taxpayer-funded vacation. Oh, they work sooooo hard. Specifically, it's to stop the Dems (the majority) from passing bills. I see! So, you persist in making...
  14. S

    Mormons, Christians and other gay haters - what is your reaction on California's end

    of the gay marriage ban?;_ylt=Aum4G27aJL1D.UziNPnZnHys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJpa250ZG1tBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwODA0L3VzX2dheV9tYXJyaWFnZV90cmlhbARwb3MDNQRzZWMDeW5fbW9zdF9wb3B1bGFyBHNsawNqdWRnZW92ZXJ0dXI- This question is aimed at those...
  15. J

    Is this a normal reaction to trying dipping tobacco for the first time?

    I tried some Norwegian-made dip for the first time and I swear I will never dip again. I was just wondering if this is a normal reaction for a first-timer. By the way I am an 18-year old male. I left the pouch in my mouth for 10 minutes and I made the mistake of swallowing the juice. I got so...
  16. S

    What causes the reaction I have when consuming Bell peppers?

    When I have noticed after eating something that has bell peppers in the ingreidients, I have reaction like, light headed, disoriented, facial swelling, tightness in neck and face flushing. I try to avoid foods that are obvious. I ate Italian dressing and didn't know that it had any in it. This...
  17. M

    Put "lol limewire" into Google and click "I'm Feeling Lucky". What was your reaction?

    Put "lol limewire" into Google and click "I'm Feeling Lucky". What was your reaction? First of all you gotta know what Limewire is.
  18. B

    Do you agree that the Republicans are mostly complaining that Obamas reaction was

    not good enough theater? I keep pressing for what he did wrong and they mostly complain he did not do the right dramatic moves. If you disagree please list specifically what he should of done.
  19. M

    Man Utd fans. What would your reaction be to the Bahrain royal family wanting to... the club? Imagine they make an offer that is acceptable to the Glazers - would you welcome the new owners?
  20. M

    Man Utd fans. What would your reaction be to the Bahrain royal family wanting to... the club? Imagine they make an offer that is acceptable to the Glazers - would you welcome the new owners?